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Rudy Lippert edited this page Oct 26, 2012 · 4 revisions


Factual's Crosswalk feature lets you "crosswalk" the web by looking up Factual entities by the URL of other web authorities. See the API documentation for details.

Note that currently crosswalk requests are treated as any other table read -- this means that you can access the Crosswalk table usingthe ReadQuery type.

Simple Crosswalk Example

-- Get all Crosswalk data for a specific Place, using its Factual ID:
let options = Options { token = generateToken oauthKey oauthSecret, timeout = Nothing }
let query = ReadQuery { table = Crosswalk
                      , search = NoSearch
                      , select = []
                      , limit = Nothing
                      , offset = Nothing
                      , includeCount = False
                      , geo = Nothing
                      , sort = []
                      , filters = [EqualStr "factual_id" "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77"] }
result <- executeQuery options query
putStrLn $ show result
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