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PostgreSQL 如何估算 LIKE 的 return rows 數量 #2

rueian opened this issue Jan 1, 2020 · 0 comments

PostgreSQL 如何估算 LIKE 的 return rows 數量 #2

rueian opened this issue Jan 1, 2020 · 0 comments
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rueian commented Jan 1, 2020

使用 LIKE 前,先看看 like_support.c


接續在前篇文章中提過底層 scan node 的 row estimation 結果以及上層其他 plan node 操作會綜合影響資料庫最後使用哪一個 plan,所以 scan node 的 row estimation 相當重要。

PostgreSQL 如何估算 HashAggregate 的 Return Rows ,以及低估的後果
其中一個很重要的步驟就是預估 Return Rows 的數量,它被用來:

  1. 給底層的 Scan Node 比較各種 Access Method (Seq Scan, Index Scan, Bitmap Index Scan + Bitmap Heap Scan, …) 的 Cost
  2. 往往更重要的是 Return Rows 的估算對於上層其他 Plan Node 的 Cost 有巨大影響,例如 Nested LoopHash Join,因為預估它們就是會從底下的 Scan Node 拿出這麼多的 rows 數量來處理

這次我們遇到的案例則是 LIKE 的 row estimation 與實際差很多,想要一探究竟


我們有一張表經常用 LIKE 進行 prefix pattern matching 查詢,表的結構如下:

  value BIGINT

注意 我們在 id 上面設定 COLLATE "C" 是為了要讓 PostgreSQL 能直接使用 PRIMARY KEY 的 B-tree 索引就能縮小 prefix pattern matching 的範圍,否則得額外建立一個 text_pattern_ops 的 B-tree 索引,參考: 11.10. Operator Classes and Operator Families

實際的 Query Plan:

postgres=# explain analyze select * from counters where id like 'ms:149895:%';
                                                         QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using counters_pkey on counters  (cost=0.56..8.58 rows=488 width=36) (actual time=0.014..0.022 rows=10 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((id >= 'ms:149895:'::text) AND (id < 'ms:149895;'::text))
   Filter: (id ~~ 'ms:149895:%'::text)
 Planning Time: 0.148 ms
 Execution Time: 0.034 ms
(5 rows)

可以看到原本預估回傳的是 488 個 rows,但是實際上只有 10 個,
雖然這次我們沒有把這個結果再拿去做其他處理,資料庫他依然如預期中將 prefix 改成了 range query 去用了 B-tree index scan,但又是為什麼會高估了快 48 倍呢?


我們可以從 pg_operator 表中知道各個 operator 對應的 selectivity function,例如:

postgres=# select oid, oprname, oprcode, oprrest from pg_operator where oprname = '~~';
 oid  | oprname |  oprcode   | oprrest
 1207 | ~~      | namelike   | likesel
 1209 | ~~      | textlike   | likesel
 1211 | ~~      | bpcharlike | likesel
 2016 | ~~      | bytealike  | likesel
(4 rows)

根據 oprrest 我們可以知道 LIKE (~~) 所使用的 selectivity function 就是 likesel, 我們可以進一步在 pg_proc 裡面找到它的訊息:

postgres=# select oid, proname, prosrc from pg_proc where oid = (select distinct oprrest from pg_operator where oprname = '~~');
oid  | proname | prosrc
 1819 | likesel | likesel
(1 row)

根據 prosrc 剛好它的 c function 名稱就是 likesel

其實 pg_operatorpg_proc 這兩張表的初始資料在 source code 中的 src/include/catalog/ 也找得到,詳細:Chapter 69. System Catalog Declarations and Initial Contents

上次提到 PostgreSQL 大部分 selectivity function 都可以在 selfuncs.c 裡面找到,
不過跟 like 相關的是其中一個例外,它們在 2019.2.14 49fa99e 被重構到了 like_support.c 裡面了

這次我們要找的就是其中的 likesel() 中使用到的 patternsel() 中的 patternsel_common()

patternsel_common() 主要基於欄位的 histogram 統計資料,具體流程:

  1. 先檢查我們的 pattern 是不是 exact match ,若是則轉用 = 的 selectivity function
    if (pstatus == Pattern_Prefix_Exact)
    * Pattern specifies an exact match, so estimate as for '='
    result = var_eq_const(&vardata, eqopr, prefix->constvalue,
    false, true, false);
  2. 若我們超過(含) 100 個 histogram buckets,我們則直接將 pattern 拿去匹配去掉頭尾之後的每個 histogram boundary 當作 selectivity
    selec = histogram_selectivity(&vardata, &opproc, constval, true,
    10, 1, &hist_size);
    /* If not at least 100 entries, use the heuristic method */
    if (hist_size < 100)
    Selectivity heursel;
    Selectivity prefixsel;

    histogram_selectivity(VariableStatData *vardata, FmgrInfo *opproc,
    Datum constval, bool varonleft,
    int min_hist_size, int n_skip,
    int *hist_size)
    double result;
    AttStatsSlot sslot;
    /* check sanity of parameters */
    Assert(n_skip >= 0);
    Assert(min_hist_size > 2 * n_skip);
    if (HeapTupleIsValid(vardata->statsTuple) &&
    statistic_proc_security_check(vardata, opproc->fn_oid) &&
    get_attstatsslot(&sslot, vardata->statsTuple,
    *hist_size = sslot.nvalues;
    if (sslot.nvalues >= min_hist_size)
    int nmatch = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = n_skip; i < sslot.nvalues - n_skip; i++)
    if (varonleft ?
    constval)) :
    result = ((double) nmatch) / ((double) (sslot.nvalues - 2 * n_skip));
    result = -1;
    *hist_size = 0;
    result = -1;
    return result;
  3. 若 histogram buckets 不足 100,那我們將 pattern 拆成 prefix 與 非 prefix 兩部份分開計算 selectivity 再相乘合併
  • prefix selectivity 計算方式如同 range selectivity,估出 prefix 與 greater prefix 分別(例如 ms:149895:ms:149895;) 在兩個 histogram bucket 的大概位置然後再用兩個位置夾住的範圍占比當作 selectivity
    if (hist_size < 100)
    Selectivity heursel;
    Selectivity prefixsel;
    if (pstatus == Pattern_Prefix_Partial)
    prefixsel = prefix_selectivity(root, &vardata,
    eqopr, ltopr, geopr,

    * Estimate the selectivity of a fixed prefix for a pattern match.
    * A fixed prefix "foo" is estimated as the selectivity of the expression
    * "variable >= 'foo' AND variable < 'fop'".
    * The selectivity estimate is with respect to the portion of the column
    * population represented by the histogram --- the caller must fold this
    * together with info about MCVs and NULLs.
    * We use the specified btree comparison operators to do the estimation.
    * The given variable and Const must be of the associated datatype(s).
    * XXX Note: we make use of the upper bound to estimate operator selectivity
    * even if the locale is such that we cannot rely on the upper-bound string.
    * The selectivity only needs to be approximately right anyway, so it seems
    * more useful to use the upper-bound code than not.
    static Selectivity
    prefix_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root, VariableStatData *vardata,
    Oid eqopr, Oid ltopr, Oid geopr,
    Const *prefixcon)
    Selectivity prefixsel;
    FmgrInfo opproc;
    AttStatsSlot sslot;
    Const *greaterstrcon;
    Selectivity eq_sel;
    /* Estimate the selectivity of "x >= prefix" */
    fmgr_info(get_opcode(geopr), &opproc);
    prefixsel = ineq_histogram_selectivity(root, vardata,
    &opproc, true, true,
    if (prefixsel < 0.0)
    /* No histogram is present ... return a suitable default estimate */
    * If we can create a string larger than the prefix, say
    * "x < greaterstr". We try to generate the string referencing the
    * collation of the var's statistics, but if that's not available,
    if (HeapTupleIsValid(vardata->statsTuple) &&
    get_attstatsslot(&sslot, vardata->statsTuple,
    /* sslot.stacoll is set up */ ;
    sslot.stacoll = DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID;
    fmgr_info(get_opcode(ltopr), &opproc);
    greaterstrcon = make_greater_string(prefixcon, &opproc, sslot.stacoll);
    if (greaterstrcon)
    Selectivity topsel;
    topsel = ineq_histogram_selectivity(root, vardata,
    &opproc, false, false,
    /* ineq_histogram_selectivity worked before, it shouldn't fail now */
    Assert(topsel >= 0.0);
    * Merge the two selectivities in the same way as for a range query
    * (see clauselist_selectivity()). Note that we don't need to worry
    * about double-exclusion of nulls, since ineq_histogram_selectivity
    * doesn't count those anyway.
    prefixsel = topsel + prefixsel - 1.0;
    * If the prefix is long then the two bounding values might be too close
    * together for the histogram to distinguish them usefully, resulting in a
    * zero estimate (plus or minus roundoff error). To avoid returning a
    * ridiculously small estimate, compute the estimated selectivity for
    * "variable = 'foo'", and clamp to that. (Obviously, the resultant
    * estimate should be at least that.)
    * We apply this even if we couldn't make a greater string. That case
    * suggests that the prefix is near the maximum possible, and thus
    * probably off the end of the histogram, and thus we probably got a very
    * small estimate from the >= condition; so we still need to clamp.
    eq_sel = var_eq_const(vardata, eqopr, prefixcon->constvalue,
    false, true, false);
    prefixsel = Max(prefixsel, eq_sel);
    return prefixsel;
  • 非 prefix 部分的 selectivity 則是用一些 magic number 猜測,例如多一個 % 的話 selectivity 就 * 5,多個 char selectivity 就 * 0.2
    * Pull out any fixed prefix implied by the pattern, and estimate the
    * fractional selectivity of the remainder of the pattern. Unlike many
    * other selectivity estimators, we use the pattern operator's actual
    * collation for this step. This is not because we expect the collation
    * to make a big difference in the selectivity estimate (it seldom would),
    * but because we want to be sure we cache compiled regexps under the
    * right cache key, so that they can be re-used at runtime.
    patt = (Const *) other;
    pstatus = pattern_fixed_prefix(patt, ptype, collation,
    &prefix, &rest_selec);

    非 prefix 的部分是在 pattern_fixed_prefix() 時就取出儲存在 rest_selec,實際計算是在 like_selectivity()
    * Estimate the selectivity of a pattern of the specified type.
    * Note that any fixed prefix of the pattern will have been removed already,
    * so actually we may be looking at just a fragment of the pattern.
    * For now, we use a very simplistic approach: fixed characters reduce the
    * selectivity a good deal, character ranges reduce it a little,
    * wildcards (such as % for LIKE or .* for regex) increase it.
    #define FIXED_CHAR_SEL 0.20 /* about 1/5 */
    #define CHAR_RANGE_SEL 0.25
    #define ANY_CHAR_SEL 0.9 /* not 1, since it won't match end-of-string */
    #define FULL_WILDCARD_SEL 5.0
    #define PARTIAL_WILDCARD_SEL 2.0
    static Selectivity
    like_selectivity(const char *patt, int pattlen, bool case_insensitive)
    Selectivity sel = 1.0;
    int pos;
    /* Skip any leading wildcard; it's already factored into initial sel */
    for (pos = 0; pos < pattlen; pos++)
    if (patt[pos] != '%' && patt[pos] != '_')
    for (; pos < pattlen; pos++)
    /* % and _ are wildcard characters in LIKE */
    if (patt[pos] == '%')
    else if (patt[pos] == '_')
    sel *= ANY_CHAR_SEL;
    else if (patt[pos] == '\\')
    /* Backslash quotes the next character */
    if (pos >= pattlen)
    sel *= FIXED_CHAR_SEL;
    sel *= FIXED_CHAR_SEL;
    /* Could get sel > 1 if multiple wildcards */
    if (sel > 1.0)
    sel = 1.0;
    return sel;
  1. 若發現前面算出來的 selectivity 太大或太小,都捨棄,改成 0.0001 或 0.9999

    /* In any case, don't believe extremely small or large estimates. */
    if (selec < 0.0001)
    selec = 0.0001;
    else if (selec > 0.9999)
    selec = 0.9999;

  2. 最後再加上 mcv 統計與 null fraction 修正

    * If we have most-common-values info, add up the fractions of the MCV
    * entries that satisfy MCV OP PATTERN. These fractions contribute
    * directly to the result selectivity. Also add up the total fraction
    * represented by MCV entries.
    mcv_selec = mcv_selectivity(&vardata, &opproc, constval, true,
    * Now merge the results from the MCV and histogram calculations,
    * realizing that the histogram covers only the non-null values that
    * are not listed in MCV.
    selec *= 1.0 - nullfrac - sumcommon;
    selec += mcv_selec;
    result = selec;

流程中可以看到 LIKE 的 selectivity 的計算主要基於欄位的 histogram 統計資料,再加上一些 mcv 與一些 magic number。

關於 histogram 與 mcv 可以參考 70.1. Row Estimation Examples 它們也是主要用來做 >, <, = 的統計資訊。

那我們的案例中預估 488 rows 是怎麼來的呢?

首先關於 histogram buckets 數量,這個是可以透過 ALTER TABLE SET STATISTICS 為個別欄位設定,而我們是使用預設的 default_statistics_target=100
14.2. Statistics Used by the Planner

而我們的 histogram 確實也有 100 個 buckets (101 個 boundary)

postgres=# SELECT array_length(histogram_bounds, 1) FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename='counters' AND attname='id';
(1 row)

也就是我們的案例是直接用 pattern 去匹配去掉頭尾的 101-2 = 99 個 boundary 當作 selectivity

而實際上我們的 boundary 大約是長這樣

postgres=# SELECT unnest(histogram_bounds::text::text[]) FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename='counters' AND attname='id';
(101 rows)

我們的案例拿 ms:149895:% 去用這個 histogram_bounds 算 selectivity 出來會是 0,
然後經過上述流程第四步後會被改成 0.0001


為了驗證,我們看一下整張表的預估是多少 rows

postgres=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM counters;
                            QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on counters  (cost=0.00..89169.11 rows=4880311 width=36)
(1 row)

是 4880311,LIKE 的估算確實是它的萬分之一

若我們將 0.0001 改為 0.00001,然後重新編譯後再跑一次 EXPLAIN

                 /* In any case, don't believe extremely small or large estimates. */
		if (selec < 0.00001)
			selec = 0.00001;
		else if (selec > 0.9999)
			selec = 0.9999;
postgres=# explain analyze select * from counters where id like 'ms:149895:%';
                                                        QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using counters_pkey on counters  (cost=0.56..8.58 rows=49 width=36) (actual time=0.015..0.023 rows=10 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((id >= 'ms:149895:'::text) AND (id < 'ms:149895;'::text))
   Filter: (id ~~ 'ms:149895:%'::text)
 Planning Time: 0.146 ms
 Execution Time: 0.036 ms
(5 rows)

可以看到確實變成 49


雖然在我們這次的案例中 row estimations 對於 scan table 的方式沒有影響,畢竟有適合的 index 可以用,就算是估萬分之一也不至於會到使用 full table scan,除非 random_page_cost 真的設到超級高

但若我們有再把這個結果集再拿去查詢其他 table 的話,這個萬分之一的估計可能就會導致掃描其他 table 的方式改變了。

在一開始的 EXPLAIN 中可以看到 PostgreSQL 幫我們 Query 改寫成 range query + like filter

postgres=# explain analyze select * from counters where id like 'ms:149895:%';
                                                         QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using counters_pkey on counters  (cost=0.56..8.58 rows=488 width=36) (actual time=0.014..0.022 rows=10 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((id >= 'ms:149895:'::text) AND (id < 'ms:149895;'::text))
   Filter: (id ~~ 'ms:149895:%'::text)
 Planning Time: 0.148 ms
 Execution Time: 0.034 ms
(5 rows)

不過實際上目前 PostgreSQL 是在估算完 return rows 之後才進行改寫,若我們真要讓他估算更準確的話,可以預先就寫成 range query + like filter:

postgres=# explain analyze select * from counters where id >= 'ms:149895:' and id <= 'ms:149895;' and id like 'ms:149895:%';
                                                               QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using counters_pkey on counters  (cost=0.56..8.58 rows=1 width=36) (actual time=0.023..0.039 rows=10 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((id >= 'ms:149895:'::text) AND (id <= 'ms:149895;'::text) AND (id >= 'ms:149895:'::text) AND (id < 'ms:149895;'::text))
   Filter: (id ~~ 'ms:149895:%'::text)
 Planning Time: 0.156 ms
 Execution Time: 0.036 ms
(5 rows)


LIKE 的估算最少會是整張表萬分之一先估算再改寫 Query 只是目前 PostgreSQL 的實作細節,或許哪一天就改掉了。

不過目前來說若萬分之一的估算是嚴重高估,又直接把 LIKE 的結果再拿去查其他表的話,是有可能會因此挑選到比較差的 Query Plan,最好還是先 EXPLAIN 看一下是否有需要改寫 Query。


前篇:PostgreSQL 如何估算 HashAggregate 的 Return Rows ,以及低估的後果

關於 histogram 與 mcv 統計在 PostgreSQL 手冊中的第 70.1 章有詳細說明
70.1. Row Estimation Examples

關於 default_statistics_target 除了在 PostgreSQL 手冊中的第 14.2 章有詳細說明 14.2. Statistics Used by the Planner 之外 cybertec 也有一篇 changing-histogram-sizes

另外這次我們看到的 LIKE 的 prefix pattern matching 被改寫成 range query + like filter 其實已經被重構到了 PostgreSQL 12 的新功能 SupportRequestIndexCondition 之下

else if (IsA(rawreq, SupportRequestIndexCondition))
/* Try to convert operator/function call to index conditions */
SupportRequestIndexCondition *req = (SupportRequestIndexCondition *) rawreq;
* Currently we have no "reverse" match operators with the pattern on
* the left, so we only need consider cases with the indexkey on the
* left.
if (req->indexarg != 0)
return NULL;
if (is_opclause(req->node))
OpExpr *clause = (OpExpr *) req->node;
Assert(list_length(clause->args) == 2);
ret = (Node *)
match_pattern_prefix((Node *) linitial(clause->args),
(Node *) lsecond(clause->args),
else if (is_funcclause(req->node)) /* be paranoid */
FuncExpr *clause = (FuncExpr *) req->node;
Assert(list_length(clause->args) == 2);
ret = (Node *)
match_pattern_prefix((Node *) linitial(clause->args),
(Node *) lsecond(clause->args),
return ret;

在 PostgreSQL 12 我們在創建 function 時可以透過 CREATE FUNCTION ... SUPPORT ... 來設定支援 SupportRequestIndexCondition, SupportRequestSelectivity ... 等的 c function 來客製化 planner 的行為。參考: 37.11. Function Optimization InformationCREATE FUNCTION

@rueian rueian added the documentation Improvements or additions to documentation label Jan 1, 2020
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