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Compatibility Layer
0.1 ❤ 0.3
Josef Brandl

Futures 0.1 Compatibility Layer

Rust's futures ecosystem is currenlty split in two: On the one hand we have the vibrant ecosystem built around futures@0.1 with its many libraries working on stable Rust and on the other hand there's the unstable futures@0.3 ecosystem with support for the ergonomic and powerful async/await language feature. To bridge the gap between these two worlds we have introduced a compatibility layer (first released as part of futures 0.3.0-alpha.3). This blog post aims to give an overview over how to use it.


The compatibility layer can be enabled by setting the compat or tokio-compat feature in your Cargo.toml:

futures-preview = { version = "0.3.0-alpha.3", features = ["tokio-compat"] }

To use futures@0.1 and futures@0.3 together in a single project, we can make use of the new cargo feature for renaming dependencies. Why? Because, even though the futures@0.3 crate is called futures-preview on, it's lib name is also futures. By renaming futures version 0.1 to futures01, we can avoid a name collision:

# A the top:
cargo-features = ["rename-dependency"]

futures01 = { package = "futures", version = "0.1", optional = true }

Note: Renaming the crate is only required if you specify it as a dependency. If your project depends on Tokio and thus only indirectly on futures@0.1, then no renaming is required.

Async functions on 0.1 executors

The compatibility layer makes it possible to run 0.3 futures on executors built for 0.1. This makes it for instance possible to run futures created via async/await on Tokio's executor. Here's how this looks like:

#![feature(async_await, await_macro, futures_api)]
use futures::future::{FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use futures::compat::TokioDefaultSpawner;

let future03 = async {
    println!("Running on the pool");

let future01 = future03


Turning a 0.3 future into a 0.1 future requires three steps:

  • First, the future needs to be a TryFuture, i.e. a future with Output = Result<T, E>. If your future isn't a TryFuture yet, you can quickly make it one using the unit_error combinator which wraps the output in a Result<T, ()>.
  • Next, the future needs to be Unpin. If your future isn't Unpin yet, you can use the boxed combinator which wraps the future in a PinBox.
  • The final step is to call the compat combinator which converts it into a future that can run both on 0.1 and 0.3 executors. This method requires a spawner parameter because 0.1 futures don't get passed a context that contains a spawner. If you use Tokio's default executor, you can do it like in the example above. Otherwise, take a look at the code example for Executor01CompatExt::compat if you want to specify a custom spawner.

0.1 futures in async functions

The conversion from a 0.1 future to a 0.3 future also works via a compat combinator method:

use futures::compat::Futures01CompatExt;

let future03 = future01.compat();

It converts a 0.1 Future<Item = T, Error = E> into a 0.3 Future<Output = Result<T, E>>.


Converting between 0.1 and 0.3 streams is possible via the TryStreamExt::compat and Stream01CompatExt::compat methods. Both combinators work analogously to their future equivalents.


The compatiblity layer offers conversions in both directions and thus enables gradual migrations and experiments with futures 0.3. With that it manages to bridge the gap between the futures 0.1 and futures 0.3 ecosystems.

Finally a self contained example that shows how to fetch a website from a server:

#![feature(pin, async_await, await_macro)]
use futures::compat::{Future01CompatExt, Stream01CompatExt, TokioDefaultSpawner};
use futures::stream::{StreamExt};
use futures::future::{TryFutureExt, FutureExt};
use hyper::Client;
use pin_utils::pin_mut;
use std::io::{self, Write};

fn main() {
    let future03 = async {
        let url = "".parse().unwrap();

        let client = Client::new();
        let res = await!(client.get(url).compat()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", res.status());

        let body = res.into_body().compat();
        while let Some(Ok(chunk)) = await!( {
                .expect("example expects stdout is open");


Special thanks goes to @tinaun and @Nemo157 for developing the compatibility layer.