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Releases: rustprooflabs/pgosm-flex


09 Mar 17:13
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PgOSM Flex 1.0.0

PgOSM Flex 1.0.0 is here! 🎉

This release indicates the overall stability of the project. Merge requests in the past 6+ months have been related to documentation, code cleanup, and keeping up with project dependencies (osm2pgsql and Postgres version updates). No bugs have been reported in 9+ months.

Recent osm2pgsql improvements significantly reduced active connections used with PgOSM Flex's data model with quite a few tables (see #376). The high connection load was the last major concern with production workloads on busy Postgres instances, and is no longer a significant issue.

Commit hash: 09efa14

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • Updated osm2pgsql for reduced connections to Postgres #376
  • Update osm2pgql-tuner to 0.1.0 #372

Data changes

  • N/A


Full Changelog: 0.10.3...1.0.0


22 Nov 22:58
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PgOSM Flex 0.10.3

Commit hash: 1cd1f98

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • Update to osm2pgsql 1.10.0 #370
  • Prevent using older version of PgOSM Flex w/ --replication #343
  • Remove unused environment variable #367
  • Include convert extension #364

Data changes

  • N/A


  • Cleanup in quick start #366
  • Cleanup docker related docs #364

Full Changelog: 0.10.2...0.10.3


17 Sep 15:32
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PgOSM Flex 0.10.2

Commit hash: f45b3f6

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • Uses Postgres 16 and PostGIS 3.4 in-Docker #359
  • Updated LuaRocks version #359
  • Bundled PgDD version updated to 0.5.1 #359
  • Removed final use of add_row() #361

Data changes

  • N/A


  • Fix comment details #358

Upgrade notes for --replication


Full Changelog: 0.10.1...0.10.2


20 Aug 14:00
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PgOSM Flex 0.10.1

Commit hash: c3e755e

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • Allow using custom schema name with --schema-name #353 / #355
  • Track --input-file used in osm.pgosm_flex meta table #357

Data changes

  • N/A


  • Improve routing examples #351
  • Remove variables plugin from docbook due to install problems #352, #356

Upgrade notes for --replication


Full Changelog: 0.10.0...0.10.1


13 Jul 23:25
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PgOSM Flex 0.10.0

This release contains ⚠️ breaking changes ⚠️.

Commit hash: e7d967e

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • Allow custom indexing #286, #344
  • Bug fix: Properly skip nested polygon function when place=false in layerset - #347 reported by @asitemade4u
  • Update install steps in Dockerfile to avoid NLOHMANN_INCLUDE_DIR error #345

Data changes

  • N/A


  • Document custom indexing #344, #350
  • Improve Layerset docs #349

Upgrade notes for --replication

The indexes created by default have changed, but in a way that is unlikely to affect the majority of users. There was no attempt made to provide a migration script for these changing indexes. PgOSM Flex (via osm2pgsql) makes no efforts to sync changes to indexes, the easiest way to update to the new default indexes is a clean import.

This release is a good time to re-evaluate your databases index usage, and determine if you want to continue using the defaults (either the original defaults, or the new!) or if you want to migrate to your own custom index definitions.

Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.10.0


24 Jun 13:01
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PgOSM Flex 0.9.0

This release contains ⚠️ breaking changes ⚠️. The original _all views for the building, shop and POI layers have been replaced by tables. The tables are built via osm2pgsql Flex style which enables loading only the combined table, instead of requiring the base point/line/polygon tables to be built first.

Commit hash: 50c6ddd

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • Improve test coverage #338
  • Add DB connection information to initial log output #335

Data changes

  • Replace _all views/materialized views to tables populated by osm2pgsql #320, #337, #340

Impacts with this change

The following subsections include minimized notes from #337 to explain a variety of shifts coming along with this change (#320).

The views have turned into tables and are not always created. Only some packaged layersets include these to avoid additional overhead by default.

  • vbuilding_all --> building_combined_point
  • vshop_all --> shop_combined_point
  • vpoi_all --> poi_combined_point

Pros / Cons

Enables loading combined point table w/out requiring load of full polygon data. This can be considerable size savings when larger polygons are involved in the source data but being simplified before loading to Postgres.

vbuilding_all and vshop_all were views doing the combination and simplification on-the-fly. Wasn't good for general querying performance beyond small regional data. New table structure is only points, and fully indexed.

Requires duplicating a bit of logic in the Lua styles. The negative impact was minimized by moving common logic into new helper methods. E.g. building and building_combined_point leverage common logic in building_helper. There is almost certainly room for improvement in these areas.

Increased data size with layerset=everything with more data loaded to tables. Because of additional overhead, not loading the new _combined tables in default layerset. However, this opened the opportunity to consider loading more _combined_points layers into lightweight layersets. These are discussed in the Layerset Changes subsection.

Layerset Changes

Layerset: Basic
  • ❌ Remove building_polygon
  • ➕ Add building_combined_point
  • ➕ Add poi_combined_point
Layerset: Everything
  • ➕ Add building_combined_point
  • ➕ Add poi_combined_point
  • ➕ Add shop_combined_point
Layerset: Minimal
  • ❌ Remove poi
  • ➕ Add poi_combined_point


  • Improved comments on SQL objects #340

Upgrade notes for --replication

Need to manually drop old views and materialized view using the db/data-migration/0.9.0.sql script. The updated import makes no attempt to remove these legacy objects. Leaving these legacy objects behind shouldn't cause any actual problems other than having multiple sources to retrieve identical data. Leaving the extra MV will increase disk usage unnecessarily.

Full Changelog: 0.8.2...0.9.0


30 May 01:20
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Didn't expect another release right away.

Fixed #332 to load pgosm.road table. Improved DB comment in #334.


29 May 20:53
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PgOSM Flex 0.8.1

Commit hash: 79de29f

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • Add protection against overwrite #313, adds new --force option via #327
  • Fixes #318 - Change DB management from Sqitch to simple in-Python method #324
  • Finish removing UUID #325

Changes to osm.pgosm_flex


Data changes


Upgrade notes for --replication



Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.8.1


23 Apr 14:39
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PgOSM Flex 0.8.0

This release comes with multiple ⚠️ breaking changes. ⚠️ While breaking changes are included, the overall impression I have of PgOSM Flex is it is production ready, even though it's still a sub 1.0 release. Absent any major bugs/shifts in the near future, a 1.0 release is getting closer.

Commit hash: 45843be

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

These are ⚠️ breaking changes ⚠️

  • Removed --schema-name option, users can manually rename when needed #314
  • Reworked structure osm.pgosm_flex meta table (#298, #304, #312)

Changes to osm.pgosm_flex

New columns

  • layerset
  • import_mode

Removed columns

  • project_url
  • import_uuid
  • default_date
  • osm2pgsql_replication
  • osm2pgsql_mode

Data changes


Upgrade notes for --replication

No manual changes required.


  • Improve permissions section #310
  • Example using osmium for w/ --input-file - #315

Full Changelog: 0.7.2...0.8.0


01 Apr 02:43
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PgOSM Flex 0.7.2

Commit hash: 0b91c81

The commit hash from this git repo shows up with the PgOSM Flex version number in SELECT pgosm_flex_version FROM osm.pgosm_flex; If you see this version with a different commit hash, it indicates you are using a latest Docker image with untagged features.

Backend changes

  • QGIS layer styles data updated for custom db name and/or schema name #308

Data changes


Upgrade notes for --replication



  • Add troubleshooting page #308
  • Fix broken links #306
  • Rename pages to lowercase #305

Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.7.2