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Roger Zander edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 5 revisions

RZGet is a portable command-line tool to update and install Software from the RuckZuck Repository or from local JSON Files. It's the successor of RZUpdate.exe.


Install a Software from Shortname : RZGet.exe install "<Shortname>" ["<Shortname2>"]
Install a Software from JSON File : RZGet.exe install "<JSON full path>" ["<JSON full path>"]
Install a Sepcific Version : RZGet.exe install --name "<ProductName>" --vendor "<Manufacturer>" --version "<ProductVersion>"

Update all missing updates : RZGet.exe update --all
Update missing updates with excludes: RZGet.exe update --all --exclude "<Shortname>;[<Shortname2>]"
Show all missing updates : RZGet.exe update --list --all
check if a Software requires an update : RZGet.exe update --list "<Shortname>"
Update a Software from Shortname : RZGet.exe update "<Shortname>" ["<Shortname2>"]

Note: to exclude multiple products with spaces, you have to set them in double-quotes: --exclude "Shortname A;Shortname B;Shortname C"

Show Metadata : RZGet.exe show "<Shortname>"
Show Metadata for a specific Version : RZGet.exe show --name "<ProductName>" --vendor "<Manufacturer>" --version "<ProductVersion>"

Show full Catalog JSON: RZGet.exe search
Search for a Keyword: RZGet.exe search zip
Search SW in a Category: RZGet.exe search --categories compression
Search for installed SW: RZGet.exe search --isinstalled true
Search for a manufacturer: RZGet.exe search --manufacturer zander
Search for a shortname and return PowerShell Object: RZGet.exe search --shortname ruckzuck | convertfrom-json