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A simple 3D platforming game made in C and OpenGL.

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pl4tform (beta/WIP)

A simple 3D platforming game made in C and OpenGL. It is expected that the gameplay will play similar to a basic platformer with nice movement.



Current Features

  • Movement in the ground/air and on moving objects
  • Uses SAT algorithm and OBBs for collision detection
  • Movement physics response such as resistance and changed velocity on slopes
  • Fonts and text displays

To Be Implemented

A TODO list, listed in order of importance and/or utility, top to bottom.

  1. Resolve player velocity in the advent of moving objects (including rotation) -mostly resolved
  2. Coarse Grid for smart pre-check collision detection rather than check all objects
  3. Code Refactor with comments for clarity/efficiency (somewhat complete).

Potential Features

A reach/extra additions list, listed in no particular order.

  • Have Better Text/UI
  • Ability to rebind keys and have main/pause menu
  • Clear lose/win states
  • Include lighting
  • Have more/different models/textures
  • Adjust README to have build/helper information


  • W: Foward
  • A: Left
  • S: Back
  • D: Right
  • SPACE: Jump
  • ESC: Quit

How to build

This currently only builds on Windows 10/11 and Linux. MacOS builds are on hold due to other interests.

If you are on a MacOS/unsupported system, you need to build GLFW and have the libraries in pl4tform/Dependencies/GLFW/lib-vc2022. Additionally, you need to build the FreeType libraries and place them in the Dependencies folder.

The current cmake config for MacOS and other unsupported systems possibly won't work so, in that case, you would need to build and link everything from scratch.

Windows 10/11

It can be built with cmake. You can install CMake here: Link
The minimum CMake version is 3.0 but lower versions could work if you change the requirements in CMakeLists.txt.
Windows specific notes:
If you want to use mingw compiler rather than .NET/Microsoft (or default) compiler, do the following:
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .
General steps:
In your preferred terminal, in the platform/ directory

  1. Enter "cmake ."
  2. Enter "cmake --build ."

And there you go! The output is built in the pl4tform/bin directory, including the source images, glfw dlls/so, and the program.

Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)

It can be built with cmake. You can install CMake here: Link
The minimum CMake version is 3.0 but lower versions could work if you change the requirements in CMakeLists.txt. For getting the dependencies, I added my compiled libary binaries for GLFW and FreeType in the Dependencies folder. However, if you are on a different distribution and these libs do not work, you need to get GLFW and FreeType libs by building them from their binaries.
In your preferred terminal, in the platform/ directory

  1. Enter "cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ."
  2. Enter "make"

If step 1 fails, install the following dependencies with the command then retry step 1:

sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev libepoxy-dev libjsoncpp-dev libgtk-3-dev libx11-dev

If you need to create the libary yourself, visit the "Dependencies" section at the bottom of the README for links and follow the steps. For GLFW3 you should build with cmake and include shared libs to get the ".so.3.3" file cmake -S path/to/glfw -B path/to/build -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON After getting the libraries, and libglfw3.a need to be placed in the pl4tform/Dependencies/GLFW/lib-vc2022 folder. For FreeType, needs to be placed in the pl4tform/Dependencies folder.

Now all that needs to be done is calling cmake in the platform/ directory
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .

And there you go! The output is built in the pl4tform/bin directory, including the source images, glfw dlls/so, and the program.

If you can not run the game on Ubuntu/Debian-based distros, in the terminal run the following to install dependencies.

sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev libepoxy-dev libjsoncpp-dev libgtk-3-dev libx11-dev

File Directory

	|-//out files, dll files, exe
	|-Game textures
		|-//engine files like obb collision detection, physics, and world
		|-//game objects and player
		|-//shaders, window, glad files (visuals)
		|-//all .h files
		|-//fonts, extra files as helpers.

Other Notes

We use FreeType version 2.12. We use OpenGL version 3.3 but higher versions could work.
We use GLFW3 version 3.3.8 but lower/other versions could work.

Currently there's a velocity inheritance bug, I did not appropriately configure the correct rules or cases accordingly.
It is resolveable but busy with other aspects, you gain extreme speeds if hugging an moving object in the air.


  • OpenGL: Graphics specification
  • GLFW: Window context
  • glad: OpenGL function pointer loader
  • cglm: Helper math library for vectors/quaternions
  • stb_image: Single header file for image texture generation
  • FreeType: Library to generate glyphs/data from ttf files for processing into textures


A simple 3D platforming game made in C and OpenGL.







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