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Trac #17540: Poset.dimension
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With this code, Sage at last can compute the dimension of a Poset.



Reported by: ncohen
Ticket author(s): Nathann Cohen
Reviewer(s): Dima Pasechnik
  • Loading branch information
Release Manager authored and vbraun committed Apr 15, 2015
2 parents 865aef6 + ffe181b commit 5c6392b
Showing 1 changed file with 180 additions and 0 deletions.
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/combinat/posets/
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:meth:`~FinitePoset.coxeter_transformation` | Returns the matrix of the Auslander-Reiten translation acting on the Grothendieck group of the derived category of modules.
:meth:`~FinitePoset.cuts` | Returns the cuts of the given poset.
:meth:`~FinitePoset.dilworth_decomposition` | Returns a partition of the points into the minimal number of chains.
:meth:`~FinitePoset.dimension` | Return the dimension of the poset
:meth:`~FinitePoset.disjoint_union` | Return the disjoint union of the poset with ``other``.
:meth:`~FinitePoset.dual` | Returns the dual poset of the given poset.
:meth:`~FinitePoset.evacuation` | Computes evacuation on the linear extension associated to the poset ``self``.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2404,6 +2405,185 @@ def is_EL_labelling(self, f, return_raising_chains=False):
return True

def dimension(self, certificate=False):
Return the dimension of the Poset.
The (Dushnik-Miller) dimension of a Poset defined on a set `X` of points
is the smallest integer `n` such that there exists `P_1,...,P_n` linear
extensions of `P` satisfying the following property:
.. MATH::
u\leq_P v\ \text{if and only if }\ \forall i, u\leq_{P_i} v
For more information, see the :wikipedia:`Order_dimension`.
- ``certificate`` (boolean; default:``False``) -- whether to return an
integer (the dimension) or a certificate, i.e. a smallest set of
linear extensions.
.. NOTE::
The speed of this function greatly improves when more efficient MILP
solvers (e.g. Gurobi, CPLEX) are installed. See
:class:`MixedIntegerLinearProgram` for more information.
As explained [FT00]_, the dimension of a poset is equal to the (weak)
chromatic number of a hypergraph. More precisely:
Let `inc(P)` be the set of (ordered) pairs of incomparable elements
of `P`, i.e. all `uv` and `vu` such that `u\not \leq_P v` and `v\not
\leq_P u`. Any linear extension of `P` is a total order on `X` that
can be seen as the union of relations from `P` along with some
relations from `inc(P)`. Thus, the dimension of `P` is the smallest
number of linear extensions of `P` which *cover* all points of
Consequently, `dim(P)` is equal to the chromatic number of the
hypergraph `\mathcal H_{inc}`, where `\mathcal H_{inc}` is the
hypergraph defined on `inc(P)` whose sets are all `S\subseteq
inc(P)` such that `P\cup S` is not acyclic.
We solve this problem through a :mod:`Mixed Integer Linear Program
According to Wikipedia, the poset (of height 2) of a graph is `\leq 2`
if and only if the graph is a path::
sage: G = graphs.PathGraph(6)
sage: P = Poset(DiGraph({(u,v):[u,v] for u,v,_ in G.edges()}))
sage: P.dimension()
The actual linear extensions can be obtained with ``certificate=True``::
sage: P.dimension(certificates=True) # not tested -- architecture-dependent
[[(0, 1), 0, (1, 2), 1, (2, 3), 2, (3, 4), 3, (4, 5), 4, 5],
[(4, 5), 5, (3, 4), 4, (2, 3), 3, (1, 2), 2, (0, 1), 1, 0]]
According to Schnyder's theorem, the poset (of height 2) of a graph has
dimension `\leq 3` if and only if the graph is planar::
sage: G = graphs.CompleteGraph(4)
sage: P = Poset(DiGraph({(u,v):[u,v] for u,v,_ in G.edges()}))
sage: P.dimension()
sage: G = graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(3,3)
sage: P = Poset(DiGraph({(u,v):[u,v] for u,v,_ in G.edges()}))
sage: P.dimension() # not tested - around 4s with CPLEX
Empty Poset::
sage: Poset().dimension()
sage: Poset().dimension(certificate=1)
.. [FT00] Stefan Felsner, William T. Trotter,
Dimension, Graph and Hypergraph Coloring,
2000, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp 167-177,
if self.cardinality() == 0:
return [] if certificate else 0

from sage.numerical.mip import MixedIntegerLinearProgram, MIPSolverException
P = Poset(self._hasse_diagram) # work on an int-labelled poset
hasse_diagram = P.hasse_diagram()
inc_graph = P.incomparability_graph()
inc_P = inc_graph.edges(labels=False)

# Current bound on the chromatic number of the hypergraph
k = 1

# cycles is the list of all cycles found during the execution of the
# algorithm

cycles = [[(u,v),(v,u)] for u,v in inc_P]

def init_LP(k,cycles,inc_P):
Initializes a LP object with k colors and the constraints from 'cycles'
sage: init_LP(1,2,3) # not tested
p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(constraint_generation=True)
b = p.new_variable(binary=True)
for (u,v) in inc_P: # Each point has a color
p.add_constraint(p.sum(b[(u,v),i] for i in range(k))==1)
p.add_constraint(p.sum(b[(v,u),i] for i in range(k))==1)
for cycle in cycles: # No monochromatic set
for i in range(k):
p.add_constraint(p.sum(b[point,i] for point in cycle)<=len(cycle)-1)
return p,b

p,b = init_LP(k,cycles,inc_P)

while True:
# Compute a coloring of the hypergraph. If there is a problem,
# increase the number of colors and start again.
except MIPSolverException:
k += 1
p,b = init_LP(k,cycles,inc_P)

# We create the digraphs of all color classes
linear_extensions = [hasse_diagram.copy() for i in range(k)]
for ((u,v),i),x in p.get_values(b).iteritems():
if x == 1:

# We check that all color classes induce an acyclic graph, and add a
# constraint otherwise.
okay = True
for g in linear_extensions:
is_acyclic, cycle = g.is_directed_acyclic(certificate=True)
if not is_acyclic:
okay = False # one is not acyclic
cycle = [(cycle[i-1],cycle[i]) for i in range(len(cycle))]
cycle = [(u,v) for u,v in cycle if not,v) and not,u)]
for i in range(k):
p.add_constraint(p.sum(b[point,i] for point in cycle)<=len(cycle)-1)
if okay:

linear_extensions = [g.topological_sort() for g in linear_extensions]

# Check that the linear extensions do generate the poset (just to be
# sure)
from itertools import combinations
n = P.cardinality()
d = DiGraph()
for l in linear_extensions:

# The only 2-cycles are the incomparable pair
if d.size() != (n*(n-1))/2+inc_graph.size():
raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong. Please report this "
"bug to")

if certificate:
return [[self._list[i] for i in l]
for l in linear_extensions]
return k

def rank_function(self):
Return the (normalized) rank function of the poset,
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