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Closed Feb 5, 2023 100% complete


  • DOCTESTS: Raise the doctest coverage of the Sage library to 50%.
  • INTERACT: Interactive versions of functions in the notebook; kind of like Mathematica's Manipulate command.
  • R: a pexpect R interface
  • TIMING/BENCHMARK: Making it so doctesting Sage also saves complete timing and profiling information. Start using and publishing the results of this.
  • PO…


  • DOCTESTS: Raise the doctest coverage of the Sage library to 50%.
  • INTERACT: Interactive versions of functions in the notebook; kind of like Mathematica's Manipulate command.
  • R: a pexpect R interface
  • TIMING/BENCHMARK: Making it so doctesting Sage also saves complete timing and profiling information. Start using and publishing the results of this.
  • PORTING: gcc 4.3 support
  • MODULAR ABELIAN VARIETIES: Implement Stein's algorithms for computing with modular abelian varieties. This is very symbolic, because Stein started the Sage project in the first place specifically to implement these algorithms.

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