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What is SanDeGo?

SanDeGo is a high interest PoS cryptocurrency.

The benefit of this coin is when the block numbers are multiples of 3 (3, 6, 9, etc.) the interest rate becomes 2000%.


Coin name:SanDeGo(SDGO)
Algorithm:POS+POW[POW ended]
Proof of Stake: 100%(until 30000blocks)
2000%(when blocks are multiples of 3)
300%(except for above)(300% and 2000% super blocks are until 63599 block)
305%(63600 ~ 193200 blocks) → 135%(193201 ~ 589200)
270%(589201 ~ 639600) → 100%(639601 ~ 1114800)
10% (1114801 ~ 1640400)
Fixed to 350 SDGO(after the 1640401 block)
Proof of Work :1000(until 1000blocks)
RPCPort :31933
Port :31932

Building SanDeGo core

Boost > 1.61.0 is needed to build over v4.01
unix build
