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Car Showcase Website using Next.JS

Car Showcase Website using Next.JS

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⚠️ Before you start

  1. Make sure Git and NodeJS is installed
  2. Clone this repository to your local computer.
  3. Create .env.local file in root folder.
  4. Contents of .env.local:
  1. Open terminal in root directory. Run npm install or yarn install.

  2. Now, to setup API, go to Rapid API Website and create an account.

  3. Enable this API to fetch Cars data: API: Cars by API Ninjas.

  4. After enabling you can get your API Keys and paste them in .env file in NEXT_PUBLIC_RAPID_API_KEY.

  5. To fetch car image details, go to Car Image API and create and account.

  6. Now paste your API Keys in .env file in NEXT_PUBLIC_CAR_IMAGE_API_KEY.

  7. Now app is fully configured 👍 and you can start using this app using npm run dev or yarn run dev.

NOTE: Make sure you don't share these keys publicaly.

📷 Screenshots:

Modern UI/UX

Showcase all cars

Mobile Responsiveness

View Car Details

⚙️ Built with

Built with Love

🔧 Stats

Stats for this App

🙌 Contribute

You might encounter some bugs while using this app. You are more than welcome to contribute. Just submit changes via pull request and I will review them before merging. Make sure you follow community guidelines.

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📚 Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

📃 Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.