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Navigator is an easy to use Helm Chart Repository.


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Navigator is an easy to use Helm Chart Repository written in Go.

Navigator indexes charts directly from a git repository, and is able to archive and serve all versions by reading the commit history. All operations are done in-memory and chart packages are generated on the fly.

Cloning and indexing takes under 10 seconds. Archiving and serving a chart takes milliseconds.

  • A git repository
Not Required
  • A cloud storage backend and the associated configuration
  • CI/CD processes to build and upload charts



Binaries can be found on the releases page.


docker pull saracen/navigator


Usage of navigator:
  -http-addr string
        HTTP listen address (default ":8080")
  -interval duration
        Poll interval for git repository updates (default 5m0s)
  -url value
        Git repository to index

The fragment part of the Git URL can be used to specify the directories (separated by a comma) that you want indexed.

For example,<username>/<repo>.git#my-charts,my-test-charts/dev will index the directories my-charts and my-test-charts. These will go to the chart index default, available at http://localhost:8081/default/index.yaml.

You can specify different chart indexes by using the format <directory>@<index>. For example, #my-charts@stable,my-test-charts/dev@dev will make charts under my-charts be available at http://localhost:8081/stable/index.yaml and my-test-charts be available at http://localhost:8081/dev/index.yaml.

Chart indexes are required if your repository uses a dependency alias as the alias will resolve to an index of the same name.


Example: Mirror of official Helm git repository, stable directory
$ docker run saracen/navigator \
	--url --interval 5m

level=info event=add-repository repository= directories=stable@stable
level=info event=fetching repository= took=1.7683338s
level=info event=indexing repository= head=c0e593513184490f895b3a82375934545677c309 took=4.7310006s
level=info event=listening transport=HTTP addr=:8080

# add to helm
$ helm repo add official-mirror-stable http://localhost:8080/stable

Example: Mirror of official Helm git repository, stable + incubator directory
$ docker run saracen/navigator \
	--url,incubator@incubator --interval 5m

level=info event=add-repository repository= directories=stable@stable,incubator@incubator
level=info event=fetching repository= took=1.6392525s
level=info event=indexing repository= head=c0e593513184490f895b3a82375934545677c309 took=5.970003s
level=info event=listening transport=HTTP addr=:8080

# add to helm
$ helm repo add official-mirror-stable http://localhost:8080/stable
$ helm repo add official-mirror-incubator http://localhost:8080/incubator

Example: A bunch of different repositories from GitHub

Note: Only aggregate repositories that you trust. Navigator will add the most recently committed chart and version to an index. This could allow a bad repository to override a chart version from another repository. You can choose to mitigate this issue by ensuring that each repository has it's own index.

$ docker run saracen/navigator \
	--url \
	--url \

level=info event=add-repository repository= directories=chart@kubelondon
level=info event=add-repository repository= directories=helm-charts@ibm-container-service
level=info event=add-repository repository= directories=stable@ibm-stable,incubator@ibm-incubator
level=info event=fetching repository= took=2.1232248s
level=info event=indexing repository= head=8f1e5e796e57c0f18462dd091ee28322e16ace16 took=1.972ms
level=info event=fetching repository= took=1.0524576s
level=info event=indexing repository= head=7a98ae518d2f0441d6fb5a82c7617630b70f295c took=24.002ms
level=info event=fetching repository= took=1.499308s
level=info event=indexing repository= head=d2848c03956a57e0ef07a0791f26c9baa0739cde took=22.0083ms
level=info event=listening transport=HTTP addr=:8080

# add to helm
$ helm repo add kubelondon http://localhost:8080/kubelondon
$ helm repo add ibm-container-service http://localhost:8080/ibm-container-service
$ helm repo add ibm-stable http://localhost:8080/ibm-stable
$ helm repo add ibm-incubator http://localhost:8080/ibm-incubator