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yaml-tools (and more for CSV and XML)

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Python command line tools for working with YAML and similar structured text data, eg, round-trip conversion between XML and YAML, preserving attributes and comments (with minor corrections). The default file encoding for all types is UTF-8 without a BOM. Now includes more console entry points to grep or sort interesting YAML files (eg, lists of rules found in the SCAP Security Guide) and support for more input file types to ingest SSG and other upstream data, eg, NIST oscal-content.

Quick Start

Available modules, console commands, and scripts:

  • ymltoxml - YAML / XML round-trip conversion and cleanup
  • yasort - sort large lists in YAML files
  • yagrep - grep for keys/values in YAML files
  • oscal (WIP) - ingest NIST 800-53 content in multiple formats

Experimental "demo" scripts:

  • - analyze control ID sets with optional fuzzy match
  • - analyze NIST controls from SSG content

For the above "demo" scripts, check the top of the source file for any knobs adjustable via environment variables, eg:

FILE = os.getenv(
SSG_PATH = os.getenv("SSG_PATH", default="ext/content/controls")
DEBUG = int(os.getenv("DEBUG", default=0))


Text files with a single "column" of IDs have a special read mode but the files must be named with the string "ids" in the filename and the extension ".txt" for this mode to be used (as in the example above).

Install with pip

This package is not yet published on PyPI, thus use one of the following to install yaml-tools on any platform. Install from the main branch:

$ pip install

or use this command to install a specific release version:

$ pip install

The yaml_tools package provides the modules shown above as well as module-specific reference configuration files with defaults for all values.

If you'd rather work from the source repository, it supports the common idiom to install it on your system in a virtual env after cloning:

$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install .
$ ymltoxml --version
$ ymltoxml --dump-config
$ deactivate

The alternative to python venv is the tox test driver. If you have it installed already, see the example tox commands below.


The current version supports minimal command options; if no options are provided, the only required arguments are one or more files of a single type:

$ ymltoxml
usage: ymltoxml [-h] [--version] [-v] [-d] [-s] [-i [FILE]] [-o [FILE]]
                [FILE ...]

Transform YAML to XML and XML to YAML

positional arguments:
  FILE                  Process input file(s) to target extension (default:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Display more processing info (default: False)
  -d, --dump-config     Dump default configuration file to stdout (default:
  -s, --save-config     save active config to default filename (.ymltoxml.yml)
                        and exit (default: False)
  -i [FILE], --infile [FILE]
                        Path to single input file (use with --outfile)
                        (default: None)
  -o [FILE], --outfile [FILE]
                        Path to single output file (use with --infile)
                        (default: None)
  • for processing individual files/paths, use the --infile option, either with or without the --outfile option
  • for processing multiple files, pass all files as arguments (paths can be relative or absolute)
    • when passing input files as arguments, the output file names/paths are the same as the input files but with the (new) output extension

By default it will process one or more input files as command args, typically in the current directory, however, the --infile option will only process a single file path, optionally with an output file path, with no extra (file) arguments.

The main processing tweaks for yml/xml output formatting are specified in the default configuration file; if you need to change something, you can use your own config file in the working directory; note the local copy must be named .ymltoxml.yaml. To get a copy of the default configuration file, do:

$ cd path/to/work/dir/
$ ymltoxml --save-config
$ $EDITOR .ymltoxml.yaml


A new module is now included for searching keys and values in YAML files. The yagrep script also has its own built-in config file, which can be copied and edited as shown above. In this case the script is intended to feel more-or-less like grep so the default config should Just Work. That said, the script uses the dpath python library, so you may need to change the default "path" separator if your data has keys containing forward slashes (see the upstream docs for details).

General usage guidelines:

  • use the -f (filter) arg to search for a value string
  • follow the (json) output from above to find the key name
  • then use the -l (lookup) arg to extract the values for the key

Useful yagrep config file settings:

default_separator:change the path separator to something like ; if data has forward slashes
output_format:set the output format to raw for unformatted output
$ yagrep -h
usage: yagrep [-h] [--version] [-v] [-d] [-s] [-f | -l] TEXT FILE [FILE ...]

Search in YAML files for keys and values.

positional arguments:
  TEXT               Text string to look for (one-only, required) (default:
  FILE               Look in file(s) for text string (at least one, required)
                     (default: None)

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --version          show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose      Display more processing info (default: False)
  -d, --dump-config  Dump default configuration file to stdout (default:
  -s, --save-config  save active config to default filename (.yagrep.yml) and
                     exit (default: False)
  -f, --filter       Filter out data not matching input string (no paths)
                     (default: False)
  -l, --lookup       Lookup by key and return list of values for any matches
                     (default: False)


Yet another helper script is included for sorting large (YAML) lists. The yasort script also uses its own configuration file, creatively named .yasort.yaml. The above applies equally to this config file.

$ yasort -h
usage: yasort [-h] [--version] [-v] [-d] [-s] [FILE ...]

Sort YAML lists and write new files.

positional arguments:
  FILE               Process input file(s) to target directory (default: None)

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --version          show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose      Display more processing info (default: False)
  -d, --dump-config  Dump default configuration file to stdout (default:
  -s, --save-config  save active config to default filename (.yasort.yml) and
                     exit (default: False)

All of the optional arguments for yasort are essentially orthogonal to sorting, thus the only required argument for normal usage is one or more input files. All of the user settings are in the default configuration file shown below; use the --save-config option to create your own config file.

Default yasort.yaml:

# comments should be preserved
file_encoding: 'utf-8'
default_yml_ext: '.yaml'
output_dirname: 'sorted-out'
default_parent_key: 'controls'
default_sort_key: 'rules'
has_parent_key: true
preserve_quotes: true
process_comments: false
mapping: 4
sequence: 6
offset: 4

Features and limitations

NIST control ID munging

The demo scripts and oscal module illustrate various forms of control ID normalization in order to match control IDs from multiple input sources. Currently, there are 2 primary ID formats, and which one to use is mainly a user choice:

  • AC-01(01)(a) - uppercase with parentheses
  • ac-01.01.a - lowercase with dots

Nested controls follow the upstream pattern of alternating lettered and numbered sub-bullets for each level, and the latest rev5 controls add leading zeros.

The xform_id function is idempotent with the following caveats:

  • extraneous whitespace is always dropped
  • leading zeros are added to single digit values where needed

XML <==> YAML conversion

We mainly test ymltoxml on mavlink XML message definitions and NIST/SSG content files, so round-trip conversion may not work at all on arbitrarily complex XML files with namespaces, etc. The current round-trip is not exact, due to the following:

  • missing encoding is added to version tag
  • leading/trailing whitespace in text elements and comments is not preserved
  • XML - elements with self-closing tags are converted to full closing tags
  • XML - empty elements on more than one line are not preserved

For the files tested (eg, mavlink) the end result is cleaner/shinier XML.

Dev workflows

The following covers two types of workflows, one for tool usage in other (external) projects, and one for (internal) tool development.

Mavlink use case

The ymltoxml tools are intended to be part of a larger workflow, ie, developing custom mavlink message dialects and generating/deploying the resulting mavlink language interfaces. To be more specific, for this example we use a mavlink-compatible component running on a micro-controller, thus the target language bindings are C and C++.

Tool requirements for the full mavlink workflow:

  • initially just recent pymavlink, Python, and Tox

Both mavlink and pymavlink require a (host) GCC toolchain for full builds, however, the basic workflow to generate mavlink library headers requires only Git, Python, and Tox.

SCAP use case

The yasort/yagrep tools are also intended to be part of a larger workflow, mainly working with SCAP content, ie, the scap-security-guide source files (or just content). It is currently used to sort profiles with large numbers of rules, as well as create control files and analyze existing controls.

The yasort configuration file defaults are based on existing yaml structure, but feel free to change them for another use case. To adjust how the sorting works, make a local config file (see above) and edit as needed the following options:

output_dirname:directory for output file(s)
default_parent_key:parent key if sort target is sublist
default_sort_key:the key you want to sort
has_parent_key:set true if sorting a sublist
default_yml_ext:change the output file extension

The rest of the options are for YAML formatting/flow style (see the ruamel documentation for formatting details)

In-repo workflow with Tox

As long as you have git and at least Python 3.6, then the "easy" dev workflow is to clone this repository and install Tox via your system package manager, eg:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tox

After cloning this repository, you can run the repo checks with the tox command. It will build a virtual python environment with all the dependencies and run the specified commands, eg:

$ git clone
$ cd yaml-tools/
$ tox -e py

The above will run the tests using your (default) system Python; to specify the Python version and host OS type, run something like:

$ tox -e py39-linux

To generate a coverage file, run something like the following:

$ tox -e py,coverage

Additional tox commands:

  • tox -e changes (re)generate the changelog file
  • tox -e conv round-trip conversion test on mavlink dialect
  • tox -e dev pip "developer" install
  • tox -e style will run flake8 style checks
  • tox -e lint will run pylint (somewhat less permissive than PEP8/flake8 checks)
  • tox -e mypy will run mypy import and type checking
  • tox -e isort will run isort import checks
  • tox -e clean will remove temporary test files

To build/lint the api docs, use the following tox commands:

  • tox -e docs build the documentation using sphinx and the api-doc plugin
  • tox -e docs-lint build the docs and run the sphinx link checking

Making Changes & Contributing

We use the gitchangelog action to generate our changelog file and GH Release page, as well as the gitchangelog commit message prefix "tag" modifiers to help it categorize/filter commits for a tidier changelog. Please use the appropriate ACTION modifiers in any Pull Requests. Some examples of commit message summary "tags" are shown in .gitchangelog.rc file and reproduced below:

new: usr: support of bazaar implemented
chg: re-indentend some lines !cosmetic
new: dev: updated code to be compatible with last version of killer lib.
fix: pkg: updated year of licence coverage.
new: test: added a bunch of test around user usability of feature X.
fix: typo in spelling my name in comment. !minor

See the following docs page (or generate-changelog.rst on Github) for more details.

This repo is also pre-commit enabled for various linting and format checks. The checks run automatically on commit and will fail the commit (if not clean) with some checks performing simple file corrections.

If other checks fail on commit, the failure display should explain the error types and line numbers. Note you must fix any fatal errors for the commit to succeed; some errors should be fixed automatically (use git status and git diff to review any changes).

See the following pages for more information on gitchangelog and pre-commit.

You will need to install pre-commit before contributing any changes; installing it using your system's package manager is recommended, otherwise install with pip into your usual virtual environment using something like:

$ sudo emerge pre-commit  --or--
$ pip install pre-commit

then install it into the repo you just cloned:

$ git clone
$ cd yaml-tools/
$ pre-commit install

It's usually a good idea to update the hooks to the latest version:

pre-commit autoupdate