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Common problems

Saulo edited this page Jun 25, 2015 · 4 revisions

Common problems:

Error when running make

Why are you running make? do you really want to compile from source? If so, you have to install all system requirements in the Compile page

Path with spaces

CNIDARIA may no work if path to CNIDARIA or to the data has spaces in their names. The reason being that CNIDARIA uses makefiles which "do not" work well with spaces in the file path. There are workarounds but the best one is to avoid spaces altogether.

Error 2. Killed

error 2

You probably don't have enough RAM memory to perform the analysis. you can try using:

SAMPLEDATA=1 make test

as a long term solution, please use a computer with more RAM or edit scripts/jf_opts and edit the HASH_SIZE parameter for your k-mer of interest. for example, change from 21 mers hash size from 1G to 512M


import cnidariapy
ImportError: No module named cnidariapy Command exited with non-zero 

Either there was an error in compiling or your system does not support symbolic links (windows is not supported. some problems have been found in MAC OSX when a external folder is mapped inside a virtualbox machine).