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François Garillot edited this page Jan 16, 2013 · 10 revisions

Generating an ecosystem update site with all its content is composed of 2 major parts, and 2 minor parts.

Description of the build process


This is the step which is performed when a new version (milestone, rc or final) of Scala IDE is released. The update site of the next version is merged in the current root base update site. It becomes visible to add-on developers and should be used to generate the add-ons.

Check the Releasing a Scala-IDE version for detail information about how this step is performed.

Add-on build

This step is done by the add-on developers when they are releasing a new version. They build their project using the base update site, with a strict dependency to the latest version of Scala IDE available.

Because of add-on are to be built with a strict version dependency to Scala IDE, this step should also be performed when a new version of Scala IDE is released.

Check the add-ons page for step-by-step instructions on how to build plug-ins for the Scala IDE ecosystems.

Ecosystem build

This is the core of the system. The ecosystem build starts by listing the versions of Scala IDE available in the base site, then find the latest versions of the add-ons compatible with them, and finally generate a new ecosystem update site containing the Scala IDE versions, and all compatible add-ons.

This step is entirely automated, based on the main configuration.

SDK build

This part allows to add the an upgrade of the Scala SDK to the update site. It works mostly like the add-on builds, but it needs to be handled in a slightly different way because of limitations of the build tools involved.

The process used to manage the SDK builds is also described in the seeding page.