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jvican edited this page Oct 6, 2017 · 39 revisions

sbt-release-early is an opinionated plugin to release Scala software in sbt. It provides an automatic way to publish artifacts on merge and via git tags, and automates all the necessary steps to make releasing easy.

To learn about the plugin, start with the philosophy and installation section. Then, move on to the Howto guides. They explain the steps to release your Scala projects for the most common CIs (Travis, Drone, ...) and publishers (Bintray, Sonatype, ...).

How To guides

Before continuing, read How to install and configure the plugin.

These guides assume that:

  • Users understand what this plugin is about and how it eases releasing.
  • Users have installed and configured the plugin in their build.


A publisher is the underlying infrastructure that publishes your artifacts and makes them accessible to other users in the Internet. In the Scala and Java communities, there are two important publishers --- Sonatype and Bintray.

  1. How to release with Sonatype.
  2. How to release with Bintray.

Do you want to add a guide for another publisher? Do it.

Continuous Integration (CIs)

You can use several CIs for your projects. The most common one in the Scala community is Travis, though there are other great alternatives like Drone for those that need to run their own infrastructure in powerful machines.

The following guides assume you've read How to set up your CI.

  1. How to release in Travis (CI).
  2. How to release in Drone (CI).

Do you want to cover another CI server? Do it.


  1. Ask in our Gitter channel.
  2. Open a ticket in our issue tracker.

Fix the docs

These docs are open and maintained by the community.

If you find a typo, think that a section lacks detail, or believe that one part of the software is not properly explained, fix it yourself and make the experience of reading the docs better for the next to arrive here.

All you need to do is click on the Edit button and save the changes:

Image showing where to edit this wiki