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The Mutant

This is a framework of game related APIs and backends for aspiring Haskell game enthusiasts.



  • Linux
  • macOS
  • Windows
  • browser
  • iOS
  • Android


The Mutant picks up where other projects like gelatin, glucose and odin left off. My goal is to bring back some of the cool features from those failed projects and get them up and running again in a slightly new context. The point of it all is to be able to quickly write portable video games and multimedia applications in Haskell.

The Mutant gets its name from its unapologetic use of in-place mutation, which many Haskell devs fear.

Don't fear The Mutant.

Similarly, it "mutates" your game onto a number of target platforms - the name is a double entendre. It also lends itself to cool icons.

Don't fear The Mutant.


The various APIs are defined using records. Records live at an interesting point in the solution space between typeclasses and effects. Unlike both typeclasses and many effect systems, records have great type inference. There is no need to type apply any of the API functions in order to use them. Unlike many effect systems, records are fast and there are no new concepts or puzzles to solve in order to run your computations - just pass the API to the function that needs them.

With records, just like typeclasses - you get an abstract API. Similar to an effects system you get to see what "effects" are likely happening within your computation simply by viewing the type signature.


{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

import Mutant.API.Render2d
import Mutant.Geom

  :: MonadIO m
  => Render2dAPI i m
  -> m ()
drawingStuff Render2dAPI{..} = do
  wh@(V2 w h) <- getDimensions
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Context has dimensions " ++ show wh
  let tl = 10
      tr = V2 (w - 10) 10
      br = V2 (w - 10) (h - 10)
      bl = V2 10 (h - 10)
      lns = [Line tl br, Line tr bl]
      grey = V4 174 174 174 255
      black = V4 255 255 255 255
      white = V4 255 255 255 255
      cyan = V4 0 255 255 255
      canary = V4 255 255 0 255


  -- first draw the screen grey
  setDrawColor grey
    $ Rect 0 wh

  -- draw a white frame inset by 10 pixels
  setDrawColor white
    $ insetRect (Rect 0 wh) 10

  -- then draw a cyan X
  setDrawColor cyan
  traverse_ strokeLine lns

  -- load an image, get its size
  tex <- await =<< texture "sot.png"
  tsz@(V2 _ th) <- textureSize tex
  liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Texture size is " ++ show tsz

  -- draw the texture to the screen
  let posf :: V2 Float
      posf = (fromIntegral <$> wh)/2.0 - (fromIntegral <$> tsz)/2.0
      pos = floor <$> posf
    (Rect 0 tsz)
    (Rect pos tsz)

  -- do some higher-order drawing into the texture itself
  withTexture tex $ do
    texDims <- getDimensions
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ "textures dimensions are:" ++ show texDims
    setDrawColor canary
    fillRect (Rect 0 25)
    (Rect 0 tsz)
    (Rect (pos + V2 0 th) tsz)

  -- play with fonts and text
  setDrawColor black
  komika <- await =<< font "komika.ttf"
    (V2 16 16)
    (V2 100 100)
    "Here is some text..."

  -- present the window

  -- loop so the window won't close on desktop
  fix $ \loop -> do
    liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000

Creating instances of an API

The various APIs all have creation functions provided by multiple backends. Here's an example of creating a "mutant instance" and the 2d rendering API and passing it to the previous drawingStuff function:

import Mutant.Backends.SDL

main :: IO ()
main = do
  i <- getSDLInstance "My SDL Game" (V2 640 480)
  r <- getSDLRender2dAPI i "assetsDirectory/"
  drawingStuff r


Don't fear the Mutant







No releases published
