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Pull requests: scp-fs2open/

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Pull requests list

setClip enhancement enhancement A new feature or upgrade of an existing feature to add additional functionality. scripting A feature or issue related to LUA scripting
#6115 opened Apr 27, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading…
make fireball types dynamic enhancement A new feature or upgrade of an existing feature to add additional functionality. Requested by Active Mod A feature request that has been requested by a mod that is actively in development.
#6114 opened Apr 26, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading…
don't short-circuit eval_sexp on any nodes in a when-argument tree fix A fix for bugs, not-a-bugs, and/or regressions. sexps A feature or issue related to SEXPs
#6113 opened Apr 25, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading… Release 24.2
fix ballistic primary banks exploding fix A fix for bugs, not-a-bugs, and/or regressions. Requested by Active Mod A feature request that has been requested by a mod that is actively in development. sound A feature or issue specific to music and sound
#6112 opened Apr 23, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading… Release 24.2
make mission log dynamic general modding A general feature or issue related to modding capabilities of FSO refactor A cleanup/restructure of a feature for speed, simplicity, and/or maintainability
#6111 opened Apr 23, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading… Release 24.2
Account for scripting when dealing with velocity physics A feature or issue related to the physics algorithms scripting A feature or issue related to LUA scripting
#6110 opened Apr 19, 2024 by Baezon Loading…
add API for glow point banks models Issues or features having to do with model data (like animations or geometry) refactor A cleanup/restructure of a feature for speed, simplicity, and/or maintainability scripting A feature or issue related to LUA scripting
#6107 opened Apr 18, 2024 by Goober5000 Draft
replace pointers with indexes in object_h refactor A cleanup/restructure of a feature for speed, simplicity, and/or maintainability
#6105 opened Apr 18, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading… Release 24.2
convert model_h and submodel_h to use indexes models Issues or features having to do with model data (like animations or geometry) refactor A cleanup/restructure of a feature for speed, simplicity, and/or maintainability scripting A feature or issue related to LUA scripting
#6100 opened Apr 12, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading…
hide key-reset fred A feature or issue related to the FReespace EDitor (FRED) qtfred A feature or issue related to qtFred. sexps A feature or issue related to SEXPs
#6094 opened Apr 11, 2024 by Goober5000 Loading…
Allow player-specific options even when using In-Game Options cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain. refactor A cleanup/restructure of a feature for speed, simplicity, and/or maintainability
#6045 opened Mar 16, 2024 by MjnMixael Loading… Release 24.2
limit debug log spam from file shadows cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain.
#6027 opened Mar 5, 2024 by notimaginative Loading…
Unlimited Asteroid/Debris Field Types & Subtypes cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain. enhancement A new feature or upgrade of an existing feature to add additional functionality. fred A feature or issue related to the FReespace EDitor (FRED)
#6021 opened Mar 1, 2024 by MjnMixael Draft
Split up debris and asteroid types cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain.
#6011 opened Feb 27, 2024 by MjnMixael Loading…
Scanning is chaos, let's make it sane cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain. enhancement A new feature or upgrade of an existing feature to add additional functionality.
#6000 opened Feb 22, 2024 by MjnMixael Loading… Release 24.2
Increase JOY_NUM_BUTTONS to 128 and add required localizations controls A feature or issue related to input devices or actions controlled/triggered by them enhancement A new feature or upgrade of an existing feature to add additional functionality.
#5960 opened Jan 28, 2024 by derrickturk Draft
Ingame options respect mods discussion This issue has (or wants) a discussion enhancement A new feature or upgrade of an existing feature to add additional functionality. Requested by Active Mod A feature request that has been requested by a mod that is actively in development.
#5917 opened Jan 3, 2024 by MjnMixael Loading… Release 24.2
Coverity: Create a copy of the object coverity An issue flagged by Coverity fix A fix for bugs, not-a-bugs, and/or regressions.
#5896 opened Dec 22, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Draft
Convert to snprintf part 2 cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain. sanitizer/stability Issues caught by Address Sanitizer or other third-party tools.
#5885 opened Dec 13, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Draft
Coverity Unused values Issues coverity An issue flagged by Coverity fix A fix for bugs, not-a-bugs, and/or regressions. sanitizer/stability Issues caught by Address Sanitizer or other third-party tools.
#5763 opened Nov 4, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Loading…
Fix Coverity buffer not null terminated issues coverity An issue flagged by Coverity fix A fix for bugs, not-a-bugs, and/or regressions. sanitizer/stability Issues caught by Address Sanitizer or other third-party tools.
#5757 opened Nov 2, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Loading…
Convert sprintf to snprintf part 1 cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain. sanitizer/stability Issues caught by Address Sanitizer or other third-party tools.
#5704 opened Oct 22, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Loading…
Vectorize starting ship wings cleanup A modification or rewrite of code to make it more understandable or easier to maintain.
#5648 opened Oct 1, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Draft
Remove MAX_SHIP_CLASSES from altshipclassdlg fred A feature or issue related to the FReespace EDitor (FRED) refactor A cleanup/restructure of a feature for speed, simplicity, and/or maintainability
#5644 opened Sep 30, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Draft
Vectorize Shields_sys_types fred A feature or issue related to the FReespace EDitor (FRED) refactor A cleanup/restructure of a feature for speed, simplicity, and/or maintainability
#5643 opened Sep 30, 2023 by JohnAFernandez Draft
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