What are we trying to build?
Load Ballancer -> web server -> /.build (starts a build if one isn't running; displays build logs) /* (returns static content)
Developer mode:
A docker image that generates the static system to a known directory.
Production mode:
A docker image that responds to /.build and returns static data otherwise.
Alternative design:
Somehow get admin.polyfriendly.org -> goes to port 80 (the panel service) www.polyfriendly.org -> reads static data
How would that work? A shared volume that is updated by the admin page but shared statically by the hosting company?
/.build Template based on /usr/local/www/www.scrollodex.net/html/kickit/main-hugo-bi.html /.build/logtail.js Template based on kickit/logtail-main-hugo-bi.js
/logtail.css Static file