Real-time 2D rendering utilities based on SharpDX/Direct2D.
Package | runtimes | NuGet Package |
FlysEngine |
net6 |
FlysEngine.Desktop |
net6 |
FlysEngine.Sprites |
net6 |
(Refer to /tree/master/FlysTest)
- Final result:
- Create a Windows-form application
- Delete the entire Form1 class
- Install the
nuget package - Install the
nuget package for convenient - In
file, using following namespaces:using FlysEngine; using FlysEngine.Desktop; using FlysEngine.Managers; using Vortice.Direct2D1; using Vortice.DirectWrite; using Vortice.Mathematics; using FlowDirection = Vortice.DirectWrite.FlowDirection; using FontStyle = Vortice.DirectWrite.FontStyle;
- Replace Main method's content to following code:
using (var res = new XResource()) using (var form = new Form() { Text = "Hello World" }) { var timer = new RenderTimer(); IDWriteTextFormat bottomRightFont = res.DWriteFactory.CreateTextFormat("Consolas", 16.0f); bottomRightFont.FlowDirection = Vortice.DirectWrite.FlowDirection.BottomToTop; bottomRightFont.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Trailing; IDWriteTextFormat bottomLeftFont = res.DWriteFactory.CreateTextFormat("Consolas", FontWeight.Normal, Vortice.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Italic, FontStretch.Normal, 24.0f); bottomLeftFont.FlowDirection = Vortice.DirectWrite.FlowDirection.BottomToTop; bottomLeftFont.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Leading; form.Resize += (o, e) => { if (form.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized && res.DeviceAvailable) { res.Resize(); } }; RenderLoop.Run(form, () => Render()); void Render() { if (!res.DeviceAvailable) res.InitializeDevice(form.Handle); var target = res.RenderTarget; timer.BeginFrame(); target.BeginDraw(); Draw(target); target.EndDraw(); res.SwapChain.Present(1, 0); timer.EndFrame(); } void Draw(ID2D1DeviceContext target) { target.Clear(Colors.CornflowerBlue); Rect rectangle = new Rect(0, 0, target.Size.Width, target.Size.Height); target.DrawRectangle( new Rect(10, 10, target.Size.Width - 20, target.Size.Height - 20), res.GetColor(Colors.Blue)); target.DrawText("😀😁😂🤣😃😄😅😆😉😊😋😎", res.TextFormats[36], rectangle, res.GetColor(Colors.Blue), DrawTextOptions.EnableColorFont); target.DrawText("FPS: " + timer.FramesPerSecond.ToString("F1"), bottomRightFont, rectangle, res.GetColor(Colors.Red)); target.DrawText("Hello World", bottomLeftFont, rectangle, res.GetColor(Colors.Purple)); } }
- Compile and run.
Apache License 2.0