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Generate a type safe link builder from your JAX-RS annotations.


In modern rest applications it is usual to generate links between resources (Rest Maturity Model Level 3).

In JAX-RS resources can be linked using a UriBuilder for example:

public String planetLink(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @PathParam("planet") String planetName) {
  return uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder()
                .path(PlanetResource.class, "planet")

The code above generates a link which points to the planet method of the PlanetResource.

It seams easy, but there are problems with this approach:

  • Methods are passed as strings, which could cause problems if a method is renamed during a refactoring
  • If we are using sub resources, we have to rememeber the hirachy e.g.:
       .path(PersonResource.class, "person")
       .path(PlanetResource.class, "planet")

JAX-RS Tie tries to tacle both problems. It will generate a link builder which is automatically regenerated if a resources changes and it map the hirachy or the resources.

With JAX-RS Tie link generation could be look as the following:

public String planetLink(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @PathParam("planet") String planetName) {
  return new SwLinks(uriInfo).planets()


Only a single annotation is required to use JAX-RS Tie. Just annotate a class with the @GenerateLinkBuilder annotation and JAX-RS Tie generates the link builder with the name of the annotated class and appends "Links" to the name e.g.:

class StarWars {}

The example above will create a StarWarsLinks link builder in the same package as the StarWars class. The link builder will automatically find all JAX-RS resources which are annotated with the @Path annotation.


Get the latest stable version from Maven Central


compileOnly 'com.cloudogu.jaxrs-tie:jaxrs-tie:x.y.z'
annotationProcessor 'com.cloudogu.jaxrs-tie:jaxrs-tie:x.y.z'




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