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99 Bottles of OOP

Alpha Chen edited this page Nov 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

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I got so much out of this book! Sandi did a fantastic job of walking us through examples of multiple types of code smells. She explained what they were, how to spot them, and then walked through and corrected them, step by step. Definitely start out by implementing your own code, just like she said. We each did that and came out with a pretty big variety, it was fascinating to see.

~ Liz Dahlstrom


  • Consistency
  • Duplication
    • Data
    • Logic
  • Names

Domain questions

  • How many verse variants are there?
  • Which verses are most alike? In what way?
  • Which verses are most different, and in what way?
  • What is the rule to determine which verse comes next?

Value/cost questions

  • How difficult was it to write? (past)
  • How hard is it to understand? (present)
  • How expensive will it be to change? (future)

Evaluating code

  • Opinion
  • Metrics
    • SLOC
    • Cyclomatic Complexity
    • Assignments, Branches, and Conditions (ABC)
    • Flog