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Nand2Tetris Part 1

Liz Dahlstrom edited this page Oct 3, 2017 · 3 revisions

Official Website

We got this book so that we could do a better job of explaining CS concepts to people who didn't have a hard CS background.


I went all the way through writing my own compiler, and really got a lot out of the experience. I got some of this in college, but it's been a long time and I understood a lot more now than I did back then when I was trying to cram two jobs and several classes into my schedule.

This is also a good intro to electronics from a programming perspective. After working through the first few chapters, I think one could easily spend a few weeks studying for the HAM radio test and do pretty well. The kind of information presented here often appears in puzzles at some of the conventions I go to, so it also helped me there!

~ Liz Dahlstrom

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