A web app to observe and challenge the IPFS network performances
- NodeJS > 12
$ git clone git@github.com:sebastiendan/ipfs-perfs.git
$ cd ipfs-perfs
$ npm install
$ npm run build && npm run start:prod
- Open http://localhost:3333 in your browser
- Select a buffer size
- Click on the
leverages the Javascript IPFS client (js-ipfs) to test the performances of I/O operations over the IPFS network.
Starting the app (see Installation) spawns two concurrent IPFS local daemons (nodes) on your machine.
Starting a test through the UI (see Usage) will run the following synchronous sequence (it will iterate over it infinitely):
- Generate a unique Buffer of the requested size
- Make the first IPFS node add the Buffer to the network
- Make the second IPFS node get the Buffer from the network
- Capture execution times of both operations and plot them