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The library is in a theoretical state. So, it's means that cannot be used in production for now

The purpose of the library

This library fill the lack of small part of CQRS pattern in Go using kafka.
What it's means? Which part of the CQRS pattern is supported?

Basic CQRS with Event Sourcing looks like:
Basic CQRS

adding kafka to this diagram then should looks like below:
Basic Kafka CQRS

As you can see, kafka is responsible for either store events and send them via bus.

The purpose of this library is to simplify restore an repository aggregates state from kafka stream on startup of command (writer) service.
New events are put on the kafka stream of course and send to the reader service.


The library consists of few elements


type Repository interface {
	InitProvider(provider Provider, child Repository) error
	AddOrModifyEntity(entity Entity)
	GetEntity(id string) (Entity, error)
	Replay(events []Event) error
	AddNewEvent(event Event)
	GetUncommitedChanges() []Event
	Save(events []Event) error
  • InitProvider - should be call on startup of the service. Here work the whole magic with restore repository. All events from kafka topic (from all partitions) are restore and aggregate here.

    Important! One argument of function is child Repository. Here should be pass current inherited instance of repository (not base MemoryRepository)

    provider := cerk.NewKafkaProvider("example-topic", "example-app-group", "")
    repository := new(examplerepository.UsersRepository)
    repository.MemoryRepository = cerk.NewMemoryRepository()
    if err := repository.InitProvider(provider, repository); err != nil {
  • AddOrModifyEntity - create new entity (aggregator) or update old by id
  • GetEntity - get entity (aggregator) by id
  • Replay - restore/update state of entity/entities
  • AddNewEvent - added new event to uncommitted list of events
  • GetUncommitedChanges - return the new events after update state of entity
  • Save - just send new events to store/bus

The library has prepared memory implementation of this interface - MemoryRepository. This implementation should be inherited by your true Repository Check example


type Provider interface {
	FetchAllEvents(batch int) (<-chan []Event, error)
	SendEvents(events []Event) error

It's a simple interface which provide functions for receive all events (in batches) and send events to bus.

The library give you KafkaProvider implementation with simple constructor NewKafkaProvider(topic string, groupName string, servers string)

Always you can release resources when you don't want an consumer instance. For this, there is Close() function where the kafka implementation just call Close function of kafka producer.


type Event interface {
	GetType() string
	GetAggregatorId() string
	GetCreateTime() time.Time
	GetVersion() int32
	GetPayload() string

	LoadPayload() error
	SavePayload() error
	InitBy(event Event)

Abstraction for an event which keep of changed entity state.

  • GetType - get name of event type
  • GetAggregatorId - get id of entity
  • GetCreateTime - when was created
  • GetVersion - number of current state of entity
  • GetPayload - return raw payload message
  • LoadPayload - load payload, convert json to fields of event
  • SavePayload - save values of fields of event to json string
  • InitBy - copy data from other event to current

Library provide GenericEvent which is use to restore events from topic. Next these events are mapped to true events by InitBy function:

func (r *UsersRepository) Replay(events []cerk.Event) error {
	for _, e := range events {
		e.LoadPayload() // GenericEvent
		switch e.GetType() {
		case "UserCreatedEvent":
			event := new(exampleevents.UserCreatedEvent)
			event.InitBy(e) // GenericEvent -> UserCreatedEvent

Example implementation of event UserCreatedEvent


type Entity interface {
	GetId() string

Represents an aggregator in repository. Example

How to start

Best place to start is an example simple-cqrs-writer.
main.go creates an http server which receive json commands:

POST http://localhost:4000
content-type: application/json

    "type": "CreateUserCommand",
    "first_name": "Aaaa",
    "last_name": "Bbbbb"
POST http://localhost:4000
content-type: application/json

    "type": "UpdateUserCommand",
    "id": "<id of entity>",
    "first_name": "Bbbbb",
    "last_name": "Aaaa"

And then processes them - creates entity or update entity, create events and send them to the kafka stream.

Before start you should set proper kafka server to provider in main.go:

    provider := cerk.NewKafkaProvider("example-topic", "example-app-group", "<server>)

in directory examples/simple-cqrs-writer run:
go run .