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tvl 3.1.1-ubuntu

Docker Image Version (tag latest semver) tvl 3.1.1-ubuntu rust/wasm asciicast

Docker setup with my common work tools for IaC, ConfigManagement, neovim, rust tooling.

Initially the idea was to use alpine for security, but using musl and rust sometimes brings problems due to glibc requirements for certain crates. Additionally, at the time of this writing, the ubuntu image had no critical vuln and the alpine:3.18.2 had a few.

The container drops privilege to a user that mirrors the UID of the Host OS UID, so that writing files to disk is done through the same UID permissions. Dropping privileges is done by gosu.


Docker image tagged 3.1.1-ubuntu Docker image tagged 3.1.1-musl (Altho may be worked-on in the future)


$ docker pull sebOsp/tvl:3.1.1-ubuntu

Main Components

  • Based on Ubuntu Mantic
  • neoVim 0.9 with coc-rust-analyzer, etc. code completion tooling, vim-plug with pre-installed settings, etc.
  • Ansible
  • Python
  • Git-flow
  • Everyday shell utils such as bat, fd, fzf, ripgrep, starship
  • Terraform
  • Rust 1.73 with rust-analyzer, wasm32 target, trunk for serving/watching wasm, cargo watch, etc.


In the ubuntu version, the /home/sre has been replaced by /home/ubuntu. This is because the ubuntu version ships with its own ubuntu username UID 1000.

 # If you want to have history for docker separately, do this:
$ touch $HOME/.docker_bash_hist
 # Otherwise, you can do this to have bash_history shared
$ ln -s $HOME/.bash_history $HOME/.docker_bash_hist
$ docker run --rm --name test -v $HOME/:/home/ubuntu/work/ -e LOCAL_USER_ID=(id -u $USER) -it sebosp/tvl:3.1.1-ubuntu
# To work without networking:
$ docker run --network none --rm --name test -v $HOME/:/home/ubuntu/work/ -e LOCAL_USER_ID=(id -u $USER) -it sebosp/tvl:3.1.1-ubuntu


if strace is needed for a debugging something, you can use --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE as part of the docker run flags.

