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RestFS provides an easy way to export a directory on the file system through a REST API.

All typical CRUD operations are supported.

  • Create a file or directory
  • Read a file or directory
  • Update a file or directory
  • Delete a file or directory

Table of Content

  1. Run RestFS
    1.1 Docker Container
  2. API Reference
  3. Configuration
    3.1 appsettings.json
    3.2 Environment Variables
    3.3 Commandline Arguments

Run RestFS

There are different ways to run RestFS.

  1. Docker Container

Docker Container

To run RestFS in as a Docker container on your host run which lets RestFS export your local directory /host/dir through the REST API run:

docker run -i -p 8080:8080 -v /host/dir:/restfs/dir -e=RootDirectory=/restfs/dir secana/restfs:latest

API Reference

The API reference is created with Swagger. The docu is exposed through the Swagger UI and the Swagger JSON description.

API Docs: [your host and port]/api/v1/api-docs

If your RestFS, for example, runs on your localhost and port 8080 the API reference is reachable under http://localhost:8080/api/v1/api-docs


RestFS provides three ways to set the configuration. Where the following one overwrites the previous one.

  1. appsettings.json
  2. Environment Variables
  3. Commandline Arguments

The avialable configuration values are:

Config value Description
LoggerName The name of the logger used by RestFS. Change this if you push the logs in a central log aggregator and need to identify the logs from RestFS.
RootDirectory The directory which should be exported through the REST API. All CRUD operation will use this directory as their root.
Uri The URI where the RestFS should listen on. You can reach the API over this Uri.


Per default an appsettings.json file resides in the same folder as the RestFS binary. You can overwrite the appsettings.json with out own file to change the configuration.

If you want to overwrite the appsettings.json in the Docker container, the location is /data/appsettings.json.


  "LoggerName": "RestFS",
  "RootDirectory": "./",
  "Uri": "http://localhost:8080"

Environment Variables

The settings from the appsettings.json can be overwritten by environment variables.

Example PowerShell:

$env:LoggerName = "RestFS"
$env:RootDirectory = "./"
$env:Uri = "http://localhost:8080"

Example Bash:

export LoggerName="RestFS"
export RootDirectory="./"
export Uri="http://localhost:8080"

Commandline Arguments

The environment variables and the appsettings.json can be overwritten by commandline parameters.


dotnet RestFS LoggerName=RestFS RootDirectory=./ Uri=http://localhost:8080


REST API abstraction for a file system








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