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A Solidity Static Analyzer made in Ruby designed to assess smart contracts written in solidity for code quality, security, and gas optimization issues


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 __                     ___       _
(_  _  |  o  _| o _|_ \/ | __  _ |_) _  _ _|_ _  __
__)(_) |  | (_| |  |_ / _|_| |_> |  (/_(_  |_(_) |
└───────■ Made with <3 by Riccardo Malatesta (@seeu)

License Open Source Love

A Solidity Static Analyzer made in Ruby designed to assess smart contracts written in solidity for code quality, security, and gas optimization issues. SolidityInspector checks for 23 gas, 9 non-critical, 17 low, 5 medium and 5 high issue and creates a markdown report containing the analysis results.

I've created it to help me in the process of learning smart contract auditing and using c4udit, 4analy3er, Aderyn and Slither as inspiration.



  1. Ensure that you have Ruby installed on your system and Run the following command to install SolidityInspector
bash <(curl -sL
  1. Run the command solidityinspector
  2. Enter the path to the directory containing the smart contracts to analyze


  1. Download solidityinspector.rb and Ensure that you have Ruby installed on your system;
  2. Run the Script with ruby solidityinspector.rb
  3. Enter the path to the directory containing the smart contracts to analyze. Ideally, save the directory containing the contracts in the same directory as the script

Example of usage

└─$ solidityinspector
 __                     ___       _
(_  _  |  o  _| o _|_ \/ | __  _ |_) _  _ _|_ _  __
__)(_) |  | (_| |  |_ / _|_| |_> |  (/_(_  |_(_) |
└───────■ Made with <3 by Riccardo Malatesta (@seeu)

Subdirectories in the current directory:
├─ script
├─ img
├─ src
├─ .git
├─ cache
├─ broadcast
├─ test
└─ .github

┌─ Enter a directory:
└─ src
┌─ Enter the path of the out-of-scope file [leave blank if not needed]:
└─ out_of_scope.txt

Files analyzed:
└─ src/KittensOnChain.sol

Use assembly to check for address(0) Instances (1) 
::105 =>         if (ownerOf(tokenId) == address(0)) {

require()/revert() statements should have descriptive reason strings Instances (1) 
::51 =>         require(

Unnamed return parameters Instances (6) 
::143 =>     function getStateOfToken(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (ColorTrait) {
::150 =>     function getYellowKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::157 =>     function getRedKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::164 =>     function getBlueKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::171 =>     function getGreenKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::178 =>     function getTokenCounter() public view returns (uint256) {

Usage of abi.encodePacked instead of bytes.concat() for Solidity version >= 0.8.4 Instances (2) 
::121 =>                 abi.encodePacked(
::124 =>                         abi.encodePacked(

public function not used internally could be marked as external Instances (8) 
::68 =>     function mintNft() public {
::79 =>     function changeColor(uint256 tokenId) public {
::143 =>     function getStateOfToken(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (ColorTrait) {
::150 =>     function getYellowKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::157 =>     function getRedKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::164 =>     function getBlueKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::171 =>     function getGreenKitten() public view returns (string memory) {
::178 =>     function getTokenCounter() public view returns (uint256) {

Compiler version Pragma is non-specific Instances (1) 
src/KittensOnChain.sol => pragma solidity ^0.8.18;

Timestamp dependency: use of block.timestamp (or now) Instances (1) 
::129 =>                             Strings.toString(uint256(block.timestamp) % 100),

Centralization risk detected: contract has a single point of control Instances (2) 
::14 => contract KittensOnChain is ERC721, Ownable {
::50 =>     ) ERC721("Kitten", "KTN") Ownable(msg.sender) {

Report generated:
Analysis executed in 0.005374072 seconds

Example reports

These reports were generated entirely by SolidityInspector without manual review.

Project Platform Report
SolidityToken GitHub
KittensOnChain GitHub


Number Key Title Severity
1 :bool_storage_overhead Using bools for storage incurs overhead Gas
2 :cache_array_outside_loop Array length not cached outside of loop Gas
3 :default_variable_initialization Variables initialized with default value Gas
4 :shift_instead_of_divmul Missing implementation Shift Right/Left for division and multiplication Gas
5 :use_diff_from_0 Unsigned integer comparison with > 0 Gas
6 :long_revert_string Long revert/require string Gas
7 :postfix_increment Postfix increment/decrement used Gas
8 :non_constant_or_immutable_variables Variable not constant/immutable Gas
9 :public_function Make function external instead of public Gas
10 :revert_function_not_payable Mark payable functions guaranteed to revert when called by normal users Gas
11 :assembly_address_zero Use assembly to check for address(0) Gas
12 :assert_instead_of_require Use require instead of assert when possible Gas
13 :small_uints Usage of uints/ints smaller than 32 bytes (256 bits) incurs overhead Gas
14 :use_selfbalance Use selfbalance() instead of address(this).balance Gas
15 :use_immutable Usage of constant keccak variables results in extra hashing Gas
16 :use_require_andand Split require() statements that use && to save gas Gas
17 :math_gas_cost x += y costs more gas than x = x + y for state variables Gas
18 :postfix_increment_unchecked ++i/i++ should be unchecked{++i}/unchecked{i++} when it is not possible for them to overflow Gas
19 :superfluous_event_fields Superfluos event fields Gas
20 :bool_equals_bool Use if(x) or if(!x) instead of if (x == bool) Gas
21 :strict_comparison When possible, use non-strict comparison >= and/or =< instead of > < Gas
22 :private_rather_than_public If possible, use private rather than public for constants Gas
23 :use_recent_solidity Use a more recent version of Solidity to save gas Gas
24 :require_revert_missing_descr require()/revert() statements should have descriptive reason strings Non-Critical
25 :unnamed_return_params Unnamed return parameters Non-Critical
26 :use_of_abi_encodepacked Usage of abi.encodePacked instead of bytes.concat() for Solidity version >= 0.8.4 Non-Critical
27 :make_modern_import For modern and more readable code; update import usages Non-Critical
28 :todo_unfinished_code Code base comments with TODOs Non-Critical
29 :missing_spdx SPDX-License-Identifier missing Non-Critical
30 :file_missing_pragma File is missing pragma Non-Critical
31 :empty_body Consider commenting why the body of the function is empty Non-Critical
32 :magic_numbers Magic Numbers in contract Non-Critical
33 :public_func_not_used_internally public function not used internally could be marked as external Non-Critical
34 :unspecific_compiler_version_pragma Compiler version Pragma is non-specific Low
35 :unsafe_erc20_operations Unsafe ERC20 operations Low
36 :deprecated_oz_library_functions Deprecated OpenZeppelin library functions Low
37 :abiencoded_dynamic Avoid using abi.encodePacked() with dynamic types when passing the result to a hash function Low
38 :transfer_ownership Use safeTransferOwnership instead of the transferOwnership method Low
39 :use_safemint Use _safeMint instead of _mint Low
40 :draft_openzeppelin Draft OpenZeppelin dependencies Low
41 :use_of_blocktimestamp Timestamp dependency: use of block.timestamp (or now) Low
42 :calls_in_loop Usage of calls inside of loop Low
43 :outdated_pragma Outdated Compiler Version Low
44 :ownableupgradeable Use Ownable2StepUpgradeable instead of OwnableUpgradeable contract Low
45 :ecrecover_addr_zero ecrecover() does not check for address(0) Low
46 :dont_use_assert Use require instead of assert Low
47 :deprecated_cl_library_function Deprecated ChainLink library function Low
48 :push_0_pragma Solidity >= 0.8.20 PUSH0 opcode incompatibility across EVM chains Low
49 :unused_error Declared and not used errors in the contract Low
50 :single_point_of_control Centralization risk detected: contract has a single point of control Medium
51 :use_safemint_msgsender NFT can be frozen in the contract, use _safeMint instead of _mint Medium
52 :use_of_cl_lastanswer Use of the deprecated latestAnswer function in contracts Medium
53 :solmate_not_safe SafeTransferLib.sol does not check if a token is a contract or not Medium
54 :nested_loop Nested loops could lead to Denial of Service Medium
55 :delegatecall_in_loop Use of delegatecall inside of a loop High
56 :arbitrary_from_in_transferFrom Arbitrary from in transferFrom / safeTransferFrom High
57 :outdated_openzeppelin_contracts Outdated version of openzeppelin-contracts High
58 :outdated_openzeppelin_contracts_upgradeable Outdated version of openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable High
59 :msgvalue_in_loop Use of msg.value inside of a loop High


A Solidity Static Analyzer made in Ruby designed to assess smart contracts written in solidity for code quality, security, and gas optimization issues





