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Building images locally for testing and debugging

James Mortensen edited this page Jan 28, 2024 · 4 revisions

The normal build process, the one that uses make, builds the images for all 3 supported platforms. Docker doesn't support building multi-architecture images locally and can only build and push them to a repository, such as Docker Hub. In order to test locally, we'll build only for our platform, and we'll use the script.

Build the Base image

RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 VERSION=4.16.1 bash base_multi

This is the same as running the following command:

cd Base && docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --build-arg NAME=seleniarm --build-arg RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 --build-arg VERSION=4.16.1 -t seleniarm/base:4.16.1-20231209 .

Build Node Base

PLATFORM=linux/arm64 RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 VERSION=4.16.1 sh node_base_multi

This is the same as running the following command:

cd NodeBase && docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --build-arg NAMESPACE=seleniarm --build-arg RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 --build-arg VERSION=4.16.1 -t seleniarm/node-base:4.16.1-20231209 .

Build the Full Grid images

PLATFORM=linux/arm64 RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 VERSION=4.16.1 sh grid_multi

This builds the Hub, Distributor, Router, etc.

Build NodeFirefox and StandaloneFirefox

PLATFORM=linux/arm64 RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 VERSION=4.16.1 sh firefox_multi

This builds NodeFirefox and StandaloneFirefox. It's the same as running the following two commands:

cd NodeFirefox && docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --build-arg NAMESPACE=seleniarm --build-arg RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 --build-arg VERSION=4.16.1 -t seleniarm/node-firefox:4.16.1-20231209 .

cd Standalone && docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --build-arg NAMESPACE=seleniarm --build-arg RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 --build-arg VERSION=4.16.1 --build-arg BASE=node-firefox -t seleniarm/standalone-firefox:4.16.1-20231209 .

Build NodeChromium and StandaloneChromium

PLATFORM=linux/arm64 RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 VERSION=4.16.1 sh chromium_multi

This builds NodeChromium and StandaloneChromium. It's the same as running the following two commands:

cd NodeChromium && docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --build-arg NAMESPACE=seleniarm --build-arg RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 --build-arg VERSION=4.16.1 -t seleniarm/node-chromium:4.16.1-20231209 .

cd Standalone && docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 --build-arg NAMESPACE=seleniarm --build-arg RELEASE=selenium-4.16.0 --build-arg VERSION=4.16.1 --build-arg BASE=node-chromium -t seleniarm/standalone-chromium:4.16.1-20231209 .