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Server Side Cache Invalidate Lookup Script

Victor Tomaili edited this page May 3, 2021 · 1 revision

First this code was produced by John Ranger, I am posting here as it had been requested in the thread I was reading, but I am thinking John has been busy.

Code for the Cache invalidate on Server side Serenity 1.9.9-based app. Create an MVC Controller with the following code inside:

using Serenity;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace ClientAndAssetManagement.Modules.Common.Control
    [RoutePrefix("Control"), Route("{action=index}")]
    public class ControlController : Controller
        // GET: Control/InvalidateCache
        public ActionResult InvalidateCache()
             var ReturnResult = "ok";
             try {
                 ReturnResult = "not ok";
             return Json (new { result = ReturnResult }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Call the code from where you Need to invalidate the Cache like this:

As a result you will get a json Feedback with either

{ "result": "ok"}


{ "result": "not ok"}

Bonus: From within Powershell, call it like this:

$result= Invoke-RestMethod -uri ""
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