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UI Set form fields label (caption) programmatically without losing is required handling

Victor Tomaili edited this page May 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Inspired by issue #941,

I thought to generalize and fully automate this issue (this is to use within xyzDialog.ts).

Here the code snippet for this:

                var FieldToChangeLabel = this.form.TacMasterLayoutIsCheckedIn;
                var Label = FieldToChangeLabel.getGridField().find('.caption');
                var oldText = Label.prop('innerText');
                if (oldText[0] == '*')
                    oldText = oldText.substr(1);    // *** remove the leading '*' ***

                var newText = "Jojo";    // *** Your new label goes here ***
                var newContent = Label.prop('outerHTML').split(oldText).join(newText);
                Label.prop('outerHTML', newContent);

This gets the current text of the label, removes it, adds the new text - all without removing the required '*' handling.

Hope, this helps someone.

With kind regards,


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