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Entity Framework LinkingSetRelationAttribute [Mapping]

Victor Tomaili edited this page May 3, 2021 · 1 revision

[namespace: Serenity.Data.Mapping] - [assembly: Serenity.Data]

{To-Do: Contents to check}

public sealed class CustomerRow : Row, IIdRow, INameRow
   [DisplayName("Customer Id")]
   public String CustomerID
      get { return Fields.CustomerID[this]; }
      set { Fields.CustomerID[this] = value; }

   [LinkingSetRelation(typeof(CustomerRepresentativesRow), "CustomerId", "EmployeeId")]
   public List<Int32> Representatives
      get { return Fields.Representatives[this]; }
      set { Fields.Representatives[this] = value; }

See also:

  • [MasterDetailRelationAttribute](MasterDetailRelationAttribute [Mapping])
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