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Quick Start

Example usage of http_server from an application

package application;
import http_server.Request;
import http_server.Response;
import http_server.Server;
import http_server.Router;

public class App {
    static Router app;
    static Server server;

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        app = createRouter();

        server = new Server(5000, app);

    private static void createRouter() {
        Router app = new Router();

        // creating a directory

        // creating routes"/dog", (Request request, Response response) -> {
            String uniqueRoute = app.getUniqueRoute(request.getRoute());
            OperationResult result = app.saveResource(

        return app;

Defining Routes

Users can define a route and a callback that let's them customize the final response. Request and Response objects are available in the route callback.

  • Request allows users access to the request method, body and route from the callback.
  • Response allows users to pre-define the status, add custom headers, and edit the response body.

Router Methods

Method Returns Description
get(String route, Callback handler) void Creates a GET method for the defined route
head(String route, Callback handler) void Creates a HEAD method for the defined route
post(String route, Callback handler) void Creates a HEAD method for the defined route
put(String route, Callback handler) void Creates a PUT method for the defined route
delete(String route, Callback handler) void Creates a DELETE method for the defined route
all(String route, Callback handler) void Creates all methods for the defined route
directory(String directoryPath) void Links to an existing directory from which resources can be read from / written to
saveResource(String resourcePath, String fileType, byte[] content) OperationResult Requires a directory. Saves a resource to the directory and creates the necessary GET & DELETE routes to access the resource.
saveResource(String resourcePath, String fileType, String content) OperationResult Requires a directory. Saves a resource to the directory and creates the necessary GET & DELETE routes to access the resource.
deleteResource(String resourcePath, String fileType) OperationResult Requires a directory. Deletes a resource from the directory.
updateJSONResource(String filePath, String patchDocument) OperationResult Requires a directory. Given a existing JSON file path and a string JSON patch document, updates the json resource in the directory.
getUniqueRoute(String route) String Given a route such as "/dog", it looks through child paths and return the next unique route. For ex, "/dog/2" would be returned if "/dog/1" is already being utilized.

Request Methods

Method Returns Description
getMethod() String Request method
getBody() String Request body
getRoute() String Request route
getHeaders() HashMap<String, String> Request headers
getParameters() HashMap<String, String> Request parameters from the route, if any
getContentFileType() String File Type of Request body content, if any

Response Methods

Method Returns Description
create() byte[] Creates the formatted Response from status, headers and body (if any) and returns it as bye[].
getStatus() String Returns Response status
getBody() byte[] Returns the Response body
getHeaders() LinkedHashMap Returns a hash map of Response headers
setStatus(String status) void Sets the Response status
setHeader(String headerName, String headerValue) void Sets a Response header
setFile(String filePath) void Given a valid file path, Response sets the file, content-type and content-length
setBody(byte[] bodyContent, String contentType) void Response sets the body content, content-type and content-length
setBody(String bodyContent, String contentType) void Response sets the body content, content-type and content-length
redirect(String redirectedRoute) void Response sets the status and headers needed to handle a redirected route
forHead(byte[] bodyContent, String contentType) void Sets a response for a HEAD request
forHead(String bodyContent, String contentType) void Sets a response for a HEAD request
forOptions(String allowedHeaders) void Sets a response for a OPTIONS request
forPut(OperationResult putResult) void Sets a response for a PUT request
forPut(OperationResult putResult, byte[] content, String contentType) void Sets a response for a PUT request
forPost(OperationResult postResult, String newResourceLocation) void Sets a response for a POST request
forPost(OperationResult postResult, String resourceLocation, String content, String contentType) void Sets a response for a POST request
forPost(OperationResult postResult, String resourceLocation, byte[] content, String contentType) void Sets a response for a POST request
forDelete(OperationResult deleteResult) void Sets a response for a DELETE request
forDelete(OperationResult deleteResult, byte[] bodyContent, String contentType) void Sets a response for a DELETE request
forPatch(OperationResult patchResult) void Sets a response for a PATCH request depending if the server is able to successfully patch the file
forPatch(OperationResult patchResult, byte[] bodyContent, String contentType) void Sets a response for a PATCH request depending if the server is able to successfully patch the file

HTTP Server Local Development Setup

1. Install Java

Check if Java is present: java -version

This project is currently running java version "12.0.1" 2019-04-16. If not present, follow these instructions.

2. Install Gradle

brew install gradle Verify you have it installed with gradle -v

3. Clone repo

git clone

4. Run Build or Test

Within project folder, run ./gradlew build to see the status

Within project folder, run ./gradlew test to run the tests

5. Run the server from project directory

Option 1: Default port 5000

gradle run

Option 2: Custom port and valid directory

 gradle run --args="-p 3000 -d /test"

Option 3: Custom port and valid directory from jar

gradle build
java -jar build/libs/application.jar -p 2000 -d /files


  • -p for Port
  • -d for Directory path


Testing Multiple Requests

  • To test simultaneous client sessions with a benchmark, start App.main() and then run ab -r -n 1000 -c 50 http://localhost:5000/ in another terminal.

Testing with Postman

  1. Install Postman
  2. Open terminal, navigate to project directory, then run gradle run
  3. Open Postman and run the different routes defined in the Application:

Testing with the Acceptance Tests

  1. Clone the acceptance tests repository and follow install instructions
  2. Open terminal, navigate to project directory, then run gradle run
  3. Open terminal, navigate to acceptance tests directory, then run bundle exec spinach


HTTP Server to handle user defined routes







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