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Auto merge of #20327 - kwonoj:fix-ignore, r=paulrouget
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fix(keyevent): do not emit default ignorable codepoint

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This PR intends to update `KeyEvent` emit behavior around #18130. Issue #17146 (comment) briefly explains what's happening in servo currently - there are KeyboardInput event emitted for separated key (modifier, and `V` in case of paste) and there are also `ReceivedCharacter` event corresponds to `\u{0016}`.

`0x0016` is unicode representation of `Synchronous Idle` (, belong under category of `Default Ignorable` charater in unicode range doesn't have visual representation ( Currently servo forwards all of emitted event from `winit` including this, eventually leads into double execution of control event.

In this change try to omit default ignorable charater , if given char received is within range of ignorable do not dispatch `KeyEvent`. Once those are omitted, current event handling logic already takes care of key event with correct modifier state so duplicated event handling won't occur.

For implementation perspective, `std::char` in Rust doesn't seem to support `isIdentifierIgnorable` like other platform does (i.e: / - so does quick, naïve range comparison check based on unicode range specified in spec, similar to halfbuzz and other does. (

Lastly, this is indeed behavior of `winit` to emit all characters by default. *Why not try to make upstream changes instead?* While I've been reading through issues in `winit`, issue like rust-windowing/winit#350 trying to emit ignorable character by its intention (delete key `ReceivedCharacter` is also under category of default ignorable) and let each consumer application handles it as needed. I assume it'll cause breaking changes in winit's design if it intends to omit those characters, instead tried to make application-level changes.

Couple of consideration for review

- Is it desired changes to not emit `KeyEvent` for default ignorable chars? Do we rather want mapping / or restoring back to original char as @paulrouget mentioned in #17146 (comment)?
- Any better, recommended approach to detect unicode char range?
- Maybe try to make upstream changes to `winit` still, like having configuratble way to opt-in(out) those char event?

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bors-servo committed Mar 22, 2018
2 parents 4433550 + da586d0 commit 28c92db
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions ports/servo/glutin_app/
Expand Up @@ -346,8 +346,32 @@ impl Window {
GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGlEs, (3, 0))

/// Detect if given char is default ignorable in unicode
fn is_identifier_ignorable(&self, ch: &char) -> bool {
match *ch {
'\u{0000}'...'\u{0008}' | '\u{000E}'...'\u{001F}' |
'\u{007F}'...'\u{0084}' | '\u{0086}'...'\u{009F}' |
'\u{06DD}' | '\u{070F}' |
'\u{180B}'...'\u{180D}' | '\u{180E}' |
'\u{200C}'...'\u{200F}' |
'\u{202A}'...'\u{202E}' | '\u{2060}'...'\u{2063}' |
'\u{2064}'...'\u{2069}' | '\u{206A}'...'\u{206F}' |
'\u{FE00}'...'\u{FE0F}' | '\u{FEFF}' |
'\u{FFF0}'...'\u{FFF8}' | '\u{FFF9}'...'\u{FFFB}' |
'\u{1D173}'...'\u{1D17A}' | '\u{E0000}' |
'\u{E0001}' |
'\u{E0002}'...'\u{E001F}' | '\u{E0020}'...'\u{E007F}' |
'\u{E0080}'...'\u{E0FFF}' => true,
_ => false

fn handle_received_character(&self, ch: char) {
let modifiers = Window::glutin_mods_to_script_mods(self.key_modifiers.get());
if self.is_identifier_ignorable(&ch) {
if let Some(last_pressed_key) = self.last_pressed_key.get() {
let event = WindowEvent::KeyEvent(Some(ch), last_pressed_key, KeyState::Pressed, modifiers);
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