A 6502 microprocessor implementation in modern C++ 20
Table: Logical CPU Instructions with Operations Modes
Just type:
mkdir build
cd build
CXX=clang++ cmake ..
- libfmt
- cmake >= 3.16
The reference memory layout used and implemented:
6502 Memory layout
The default processor status after the reset signal:
/* The status flag after the reset signal */
/* Carry = 1, Zero = 1, IRQ = 1, Decimal = 0, BRK = 1, Reserved = 1, Overflow = 1, Negative = 1 */
constexpr uint8_t RESET_STATUS_SIGNAL = 0xfb;
Two constructors are provided
The first one uses the read and write functions callback
/* Set this macro to 1 to enable callback capabilities */
#define USE_6502_CALLBACKS 1
/* Functions callback that's needed to be passed to cpu6502 class object */
typedef uint8_t (*cpu_read) (uint16_t);
typedef void (*cpu_write) (uint16_t, uint8_t);
Simple example of callback functions
static std::array<uint8_t, MAX_RAM_STORAGE> CPU_RAM{};
static std::array<uint8_t, MAX_ROM_STORAGE> CPU_ROM{};
/* CPU callback functions definition */
uint8_t cpu_6502_read(const uint16_t address)
if (address <= MAX_RAM_STORAGE)
return CPU_RAM[address];
return CPU_ROM[address & MAX_RAM_STORAGE];
void cpu_6502_write(const uint16_t address, const uint8_t data)
CPU_RAM[address & MAX_RAM_STORAGE] = data;
cpu6502 cpu = cpu6502(cpu_6502_read, cpu_6502_write);
The second needed a ram and rom uint8_t* array pointers
/* If 1, the internal ram is used (I don't needed to provide one)*/
The clock method, used to execute CPU instructions by the counts of cycles needed to be executed
TIP: Outside a console emulator system u can use a auto generator or try to generate the real cpu 6502 frequency
std::pair<size_t, size_t> cpu6502::clock(size_t cycles_count, size_t &executed_cycles)
The step method is used to execute only one instruction from the current CPU state, other way the step_count is used to execute one or more instructions and works like the clock method
size_t cpu6502::step(size_t &cycles_wasted);
std::pair<size_t, size_t> step_count(size_t cycles_count, size_t &executed_cycles);
Some get functions has been implemented for help into the debugging or something else like "stack trace"
auto get_register_a();
auto get_register_x();
auto get_register_y();
auto get_register_pc();
auto get_register_s();
auto get_last_fetched_data();
auto get_last_acceded_address();