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An exploratory data analysis on a book review data with additional meta data.


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EDA Amazon Books Reviews

An exploratory analysis of the Amazon Book Reviews. An expansion to this project is carried out using Collaborative Filtering models from the research: A Comparative Analysis of Amazon Book Ratings Using Collaborative Filtering.

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◘ Introduction

The general idea behind this research is to identify and establish a pattern or a set of patterns and relationships among a plethora of features available within the acquired data. A thorough analysis is performed by using a multitude of tools and packages using Python so that a set of statistical and/or machine learning models can be applied to accomplish better generalization.

◘ Study Flowchart

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◘ Project Organization

├── Makefile          				<- Makefile with commands.
├──             	<- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data
├── features                		<- Set of files to construct a more readable and useable data.
|   |──		<- Script that filters through the data and keeps important features.
|   |──   <- File where data is cleaned and visually analyzed for its distribution.
|   |──    <- Script to observe and search for patterns and relationship among various features.
|   └──                     <- Text from the review features are processed and analyzed for better intuition.
├── figures            				<- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting (includes IDE and Notebooks generated graphs).
├── notebooks          			<- Additional script for Jupyter Notebooks for better visualization.
├── requirements.txt    		<- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g.
│                         				    generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
├──           			<- makes project pip installable (pip install -e .) so src can be imported
├── visualization           		<- Create exploratory and results oriented visualizations.
|   |──		<- Script to better facilitate abstractions for generating simple graphs.
|   └──		<- Can be used to generate a more specific type of graph to be utilized during data inspection.
└── tox.ini            				<- tox file with settings for running tox; see

◘ Modules Required:

  • pandas 2.0.0
  • plotly 5.15.0
  • missingno 0.5.2
  • vaderSentiment 3.3.2
  • spacy 3.5.3
  • matplotlib 3.7.1
  • seaborn 0.12.2
  • wordcloud 1.9.2



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