To start the application, run the following in your Terminal
yarn install
yarn start
Create a .env
file in the root folder with the following (not required with current build):
- Search by keyword for images from GIPHY API
- Display images in a grid of 8 images by default
- Add or remove tags to mark or unmark favourite images
- "Fetch More" button to fetch next 8 image results
- View all favourited images in a dedicated page
- Responsive layout
- Global state does not need to be maintained across page refreshes
- React - primary web framework for building user interfaces
- Redux - for state management
- Redux Saga - Redux middleware for application side effect management
- react-router-dom - for switching between components
- Axios - for promise-based API calls
- Radium - for inline styling capabilities
- Lodash - for simple utility operation
- react-notifications - for simple UI feedback
- GIPHY API - GIF library
- Debouncing in React
- Synthetic Events
- Redux Saga's
cancels previous tasks but will still result in API calls being made -