- This is a simple countdown timer built using Python and Tkinter.
- It allows you to set a target time and counts down to zero, providing an alert when the time is up.
- Executable files for both Linux and Windows are included in the Release.
- For Linux users, a desktop entry and installation script are provided to make setup easy.
- Run
bash chmod +x TeenyTimer
- Run the
- Run the
- Download the latest release and follow installation instructions.
Install dependencies:
pip install pyinstaller pip install pygame sudo apt-get install python3-tk pip install ttkthemes
Run the following commands in the TeenyTimer Folder:
For Linux:
pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole --add-data "img/icon.png:img" --add-data "sounds/end.wav:sounds" TeenyTimer.py
For Windows:
pyinstaller TeenyTimer.spec
Move TeenyTinyTimer from TeenyTinyTimer/dist to the root folder TeenyTinyTimer.
- The dist and build folder can be deleted.
For Windows:
- Move TeenyTinyTimer.exe to where you would like.
- Create a shortcut or pin.
For Linux:
- In the terminal, run
bash ./install.sh
- TeenyTinyTImer will be added to the applications menu.