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Composer's Companion: Application Description

This application, Composer's Companion, is intended for musicians, composers, songwriters, and performers of all kinds. It provides a quick, lightweight way for users to log and access printed music ideas from a browser, and without the need for complex software. Composer's Companion was created using JavaScript, React (front-end), and Express (back-end).

Important Links:

Link to the front-end application:

Link to the front-end repo:

Link to the back-end server:

(note: this application's server is hosted by Heroku; failed HTTP GET request is expected at this link)

Link to the back-end repo:

Link to react-abcjs on npm website:

Link to abcjs repo:

Link to the ABC standard notation guide:

Setup and Install Instructions

  • Fork and clone this repository, and its back-end counterpart, using Git/GitHub
  • Navigate to the new composers-companion-client folder using command line
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm install react-abcjs (see 'Technologies Used' below for more information)
  • Run npm start to spin up a local copy in your browser

Planning Story:

As a musician and composer, I've had plenty of experience with music notation software through my academic career and beyond, but these programs required, at the very least, a personal computer with this complex software installed to store, edit, and playback my pieces. This app seeks to solve a major part of this issue: mobility. As far as my own experience, I always carried around a pencil and paper in the hopes of capturing ideas, but this always seemed to be forgotten. With modern mobile technology on the rise, it became obvious that a hole existed that I might be able to fill.

This application represents my first major project combining the React and Express libraries. Using pre-constructed 'boilerplates' of both, I was able to establish a simple program to store basic text input, which would serve as the basis for building the notation capabilities. The majority of my research and planning went into implementing React and its libraries, as well as how to integrate a music notation code library into a text-based language. Overall, I followed a more general workflow structure, and became more comfortable with the larger picture of software development rather than being bogged down by minute-to-minute details.

My personal problem-solving strategy consisted a variety of methods, including personal research, note review, documentation study, collaboration with fellow developers, and meetings with class instructors. I ensured due diligence by searching for answers to issues and bugs on my own, but also felt comfortable asking questions when I didn't know or couldn't find the answer.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to create new sketches of music that only I can see.
  • As a user, I want to be able to add music notes to a sketch.
  • As a user, I want to be able to add time signatures and key signatures to a sketch.
  • As a user, I want to view sketches I’ve already made.
  • As a user, I want to edit existing sketches I own.
  • As a user, I want to delete sketches I don’t want anymore.
  • As a user, I want to attach written notes to the sketches I create.
  • As a user, I want to be able to sign up, sign in, and sign out of a personal account.
  • As a user, I want to be able to change my password.





Home page:


Creating sketch:


Created sketch:


Technologies Used:


  • JavaScript

  • Bootstrap

  • Axios


  • GitHub/GitHub Pages

  • react-abcjs

    This React component uses the standard ABC notation system and abc2js to render musical elements in the browser.

Unsolved Problems/Future Development:

At the time of this README's initial upload, this application can store user inputs which are rendered into basic musical notation, and allows a signed in user to view, edit, and delete their own creations. It is not a substitute for more complex music software. In theory, using the exhaustive ABC notation guide, much more complex renderings can be created, but this application currently provides input fields and formatting guides for a select few vital musical elements.

While this initial version is fully functional, the style of user input is not ideal. The ABC notation style for display with JavaScript is extensive, and the input style can be confusing for those unfamiliar with its style or, more broadly, standard music notation and its nuances. This is the most prominent issue impacting the user experience, and will be addressed in part in future updates.

Additionally, this application makes an effort to support visual notation rather than audio playback; an audio component will likely be addressed in the future. This addition would enhance the overall user experience, and potentially widen its reach to those with less musical training.