Tag your playlist collection
Moodytags is trying to help you sort your collection of playlists better.
Providing a possible answer to the "What should I listen to now?" question.
- Authenticate and fetch playlists with Spotify
- Create collection of tags for easier use
- Tag playlists
- Basic dashboard showing your tagged playlists
- Ability to tag albums and songs
- Integration with another streaming service
While the hosted version can be found here, moodytags can be run locally in development mode.
Spotify is the only integration for now, so you must be user of the platform. For the integration to work, you also must have a developer application on their platform.
While creating an application, you'll be asked for a scope. A recommended application scope for now is:
user-library-read playlist-read-collaborative playlist-read-private
The final requirement is to place your Spotify client id and client secret in .env.spotify
file at the root of the project so they can be read on application start.
Running the RESTful API is done through docker-compose:
docker-compose up
Setup the development database:
docker-compose exec api bundle exec hanami db prepare
The server should be working.
» curl localhost:8000/ping
For running the client side of the stack head up to moodytags-client.
First prepare the testing database:
docker-compose exec -e HANAMI_ENV=test api bundle exec hanami db prepare
Run the tests:
docker-compose exec api bundle exec rake spec