Snoozy is open-source lightweight utility library delivering modularity.
- simple to use.
- zero dependencies.
- developer-friendly.
- focus on high performance.
And of course, Snoozy itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Snoozy requires Node.js v8+ to run.
$ npm i snoozy --save
const { crypt, dasher, logger, dater, validate } = require('snoozy');
Snoozy has useful function written for crypt, dash, logger, time and validate.
- crypt (Basic and useful encryption functions.)
- dash (Useful utility function for array and object operations and much more. )
- logger (Colorful logs.)
- dater (Useful date and time utility.)
- validate (Regular data validation checker)
- encryptPassword(password)
- salt
- base64ToBuffer
- randomCode
- parse(jsonString)
- stringify(json)
- clone(json)
- deepClone(json)
- cloneObject(json)
- cloneArray(json)
- pick(object, [paths])
- omit(object, [paths], deepCloneFlag:Boolean)
- isEmptyObject(object)
- toFloatFixed(number)
- toString(data)
- sortByKey(array, key)
- randomizeArray(array)
- randomBetween(min, max)
- randomFromArray(array)
- delay(ttl)
- emptyCallback(error)
- errorCallback(error)
- black(content)
- red(content)
- green(content)
- yellow(content)
- blue(content)
- magenta(content)
- cyan(content)
- white(content)
- console(content)
- error(content)
- warn(content)
- table(content)
- info(content)
- trace(content)
- formattedDate()
- isoTimeString()
- getDate(date)
- addDays(date, days)
- addMilliseconds(date, milliseconds)
- isEmail()
- isPassword()
Free Software, Hell Yeah!