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Graph Algorithms

Advance Data Structures

Implementation of the Directed Graph

  • we can implement a graph by two methods:--
  1. Adjacency matrix
  2. Adjacency list

Adjacency matrix

  • Auxiliary Space complexity O(N^2)
  • Time complexity O(E) to implement a graph.

Adjacency list

  • Auxiliary Space complexity O(N+E)
  • Time complexity O(E) to implement a graph.
  • I am using here Adjacency list for the implementation.

E denotes the number of connections or edges.

N denotes the number of vertices.

Unweighted Graph Algorithm

Breadth first search (BFS)

  • Using *Queue Data structure to run the bfs via iteration.
  • I have implemented both the BFS function void BFSvisit() for the connected graph and void NotconnBFS() for the not connected graph.


  • red[] will keep track of visited and not visited vertix till now during BFS and DFS run.
  • predecessor[] will keep track of the current visiting vertix parent in the BFS and DFS tree (will help to determine the shortest path location)
  • pathlength[] will keep track of the shortest disytance from the root vertix in the BFS tree.
  • vertices[] Original graph
  • transposevertices[] Transpose graph
  • runvertix the vertix from where i want to start

Implemented Applications

  • To find the shortest distance and determine the shortest path between the Two vertices
  • To compute the Diameter(Longest path among the shortest paths of any two vertices) of the BFS Tree.
  • To check whether the graph is connected or not (Using a Transpose Graph)

Time complexity of above implementations O(N + E)

Depth First Search (DFS)

  • Using recursion to run the DFS over the graph void DFSvisit()


  • start[] to store the entry time of any vertix in the dfs tree
  • finish[] to store the recursion back tracking time for a node after deadend.
  • heightvertix[] to store the height or distance of a vertix from the root vertix

Implemented Applications

  • To check whether the graph has a cycle or not and determine all the cycles present in the Graph void DFScyclevisit() (Using the concept of backedge by computeing start and finish time of a vertix )

  • To compute all the strongly connected components in the Graph void DFSforstronglyconnected()

Time complexity of above implementations Average case O(N + E)

Weighted Graph Algorithm

Prim's Algorithm (minimum spanning Tree)

  • Implemented a Undirected Graph with the weighted Edges.
  • Using Greedy Approach to compute the edge every time with the minimum weight.


minspantree[][3] will store all the edges and weights of the edges in my minimum spanning tree so that i can approach to all the vertices in my graph with the minimum total weight.