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After creating the USB stick, you should follow the following steps:

Disable Secure Boot and enable virtualization in the BIOS (if not already enabled). Boot from the USB stick with the live ISO. Select the system language, keyboard layout, and time zone. When selecting the storage on which the system should be installed, choose the hard drive and check the option below:

Pasted image 20230628094356

After following these steps, you will be redirected to the next page. Here, you can choose whether you want to encrypt the hard drive and which file system you want to use. Since I want to use Timeshift, I recommend using the btrfs file system as it provides faster restoration.

Note: If you want to encrypt the drive, please consider the following:

  • The keyboard layout will remain as American during password entry.
  • You will need to enter the password every time you start the system.

Pasted image 20230628100419

Click on the highlighted text as shown in the image to perform automatic partitioning. In order for Timeshift to read the file system correctly, two folders should be renamed:

Rename the root folder to @ Rename the home folder to @home To rename the folder, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the respective folder.
  2. Enter the correct name in the bottom right corner.
  3. Click on the "Apply Settings" button.

After you have completed everything, it should look similar to this: Screenshot from 2023-06-28 10-51-59

After the Installation

Dark Mode

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita-dark'        # Legacy apps
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme 'prefer-dark'      # new apps

Renaming Device Name

Replace with the new name of your device. For example:

hostnamectl set-hostname <device-name>

Configuring dnf

To speed up the system, edit the dnf.conf file. The following changes have been made:

  • Faster installation (fastest_mirror, max_parallel_downloads)
  • Always Yes (defaultyes)

The defaultyes option allows you to confirm input with Yes by pressing the ENTER key. For example, instead of typing sudo apt-get update -y, you can simply enter sudo apt-get update and confirm it by pressing the ENTER key.

Ändern Sie den File wie folgend:

  • Öffnen Sie den Terminal und geben Sie dies hinein: sudo nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
  • Kopieren Sie den Text und ersetzen Sie ihn durch den folgenden Text: To make the changes, follow these steps:

Open the terminal and enter the command: sudo nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf Copy the text below and replace the existing text in the file:


After replacing the text, save the file by pressing Ctrl + X, then Y to confirm, and Enter to exit the nano editor.

Note: The fastestmirror=1 plugin can sometimes be counterproductive. Use it at your own discretion. If you encounter slow download speeds, set it to fastestmirror=0. Many users have reported better download speeds when the plugin is enabled. Therefore, it is enabled by default.

Nvidia Drivers

By installing the Nvidia drivers, you gain access to:

Graphics acceleration CUDA support Multi-monitor support You can choose from the following driver options:

Nouveau (Open-Source) Cuda (proprietary) RPM Fusion (proprietary)

The difference between the mentioned driver options lies in their source, licensing, and included features. Nouveau is an open-source driver developed by the Linux community and provides basic graphics card support. The CUDA driver is a proprietary driver by Nvidia specifically designed for CUDA computations, leveraging the parallel computing power of Nvidia GPUs. RPM Fusion offers proprietary Nvidia drivers as part of its software repository for RPM-based Linux distributions, providing users access to the latest driver versions.


Add the repository:

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

Install the dependencies:

sudo dnf install -y kernel-headers kernel-devel tar bzip2 make automake gcc gcc-c++ pciutils elfutils-libelf-devel libglvnd-opengl libglvnd-glx libglvnd-devel acpid pkgconfig dkms

Install the drivers:

sudo dnf module install -y nvidia-driver:latest-dkms

RPM Fusion

RPM Fusion provides access to non-free software packages that are not available in the official Fedora repositories due to legal or licensing reasons. This includes proprietary drivers, multimedia playback codecs, certain applications, and extensions. To install and enable RPM Fusion, follow these steps:

# Install RPM Fusion for Fedora 38
sudo dnf install -y
sudo dnf install -y

# Enable the RPM Fusion repositories
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-free rpmfusion-nonfree

After executing these commands, RPM Fusion will be installed and enabled on your system, allowing you to access the additional software packages it provides.

Appstream Metadata

AppStream uses an XML-based data format to define metadata for applications. This metadata includes information such as application names, descriptions, categories, licenses, developer details, dependencies, supported languages, and more. The metadata is meant to provide users with comprehensive information about available applications.

To update the AppStream metadata to the latest version, enter the following command in the terminal:

sudo dnf groupupdate core

Executing this command will update the AppStream metadata for your system, ensuring that you have the most up-to-date information about available applications.


To update your system, use the following command: sudo dnf update -y

To upgrade your system, use the following command: sudo dnf upgrade -y

To apply changes, load new modules, and unload old modules, use the following command: sudo reboot


sudo dnf update -y && sudo dnf upgrade -y && sudo reboot

Firmware (fwupd)

If your system supports firmware updates via lvfs, you can update your device using the following steps:

  1. Install the firmware update service: sudo dnf install fwupd

  2. Start and enable the fwupd service on startup: sudo systemctl start fwupd sudo systemctl enable fwupd

  3. To display all devices detected by fwupd: sudo fwupdmgr get-devices

  4. To download the latest metadata: sudo fwupdmgr refresh --force

  5. To list available updates for all devices on the system: sudo fwupdmgr get-updates

  6. To install all updates: sudo fwupdmgr update


sudo dnf install fwupd && sudo systemctl start fwupd && sudo systemctl enable fwupd && sudo fwupdmgr get-devices && sudo fwupdmgr refresh --force && sudo fwupdmgr get-updates && sudo fwupdmgr update

Media Codecs

To ensure proper multimedia playback, install the following modules:

sudo dnf install gstreamer1-plugins-{bad-\*,good-\*,base} gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 gstreamer1-libav --exclude=gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-devel
sudo dnf install lame\* --exclude=lame-devel
sudo dnf group upgrade --with-optional Multimedia
sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia sound-and-video
# Nur für Chrome-Benutzer
# sudo dnf swap chromium chromium-freeworld --allowerasing
sudo dnf install ffmpeg-libs

Further Enhancements

Update Flatpak

Fedora 38 comes with Flatpak pre-installed but not enabled. To enable the Flathub repository and update Flatpak to the latest version, use the following commands:

flatpak remote-delete flathub
flatpak remote-delete fedora
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak update

These commands will remove the existing Flathub and Fedora remotes, add the Flathub repository if it doesn't already exist, and then update Flatpak to the latest version.

After executing these commands, Flatpak will be updated and ready to use with the Flathub repository enabled.


  • For compressed files (7z, rar): sudo dnf install -y unzip p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar
  • For GNOME: sudo dnf install -y gnome-tweaks gnome-network-displays
  • For Fedora: sudo dnf install -y packageKit timeshift grub-customizer dconf-editor
  • From Flatpak: sudo flatpak install -y com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager com.github.tchx84.Flatseal

These commands will install the specified tools and applications on your system.

Theme [Optional]

Icons and Cursors

Using Theme in Flatpaks

sudo flatpak override --filesystem=$HOME/.themes
sudo flatpak override --env=GTK_THEME=my-theme
# For the papirus-icon theme
sudo flatpak override --env=GTK_THEME=papirus-icon-theme

By following these instructions, you can install the Oxygen-Cursors and Papirus Icon Theme for your system. Additionally, the commands allow you to use a custom theme in Flatpak applications by overriding the filesystem and setting the GTK_THEME environment variable. Replace my-theme with the name of your desired theme.


  • Install-Script The link above provides an install script for Fedora. You can use it to automate the installation of various packages and configurations. Please note that the script is provided as-is and should be reviewed before execution to ensure it meets your requirements and aligns with your system setup.


This is a install script for Fedora-38 Workstation







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