The shopware CLI tools are your console helpers for all kind of Shopware tasks. They will allow you to:
- setup Shopware from VCS
- setup Shopware from a release tag
- create Shopware plugins
- define a bunch of plugin repositories you use
- install plugins from the repositories and activate them in shopware
- zip plugins in the way the Shopware store or the Shopware plugin manager expect it to be
The shopware CLI tools come with a slim extension interface, so you can extend it for your needs.
This is an early development preview - so don't expect it to be stable. Please wait for a 1.0.0 stable release before using this tools for production deployments
Pull requests are very welcome as well as ideas for possible extensions.
Use at your own risk, there is no support for this tools.
Generally we recommend to use the sw.phar release files, you can download them to e.g. ~/bin/sw and add this directory to the $PATH of your local user (download current build from
If you want to use the development version of sw-cli-tools, you should checkout the repository and run composer install
to download all dependencies
On your system at least the following packages needs to be available.
- openjdk-7-jre-headless
- ant
- git
- curl
- php7-curl
- If you want to use coloring you should enable php.posix in your php.ini
- sw cache:clear
- sw install:vcs
- sw install:release
- sw plugin:install
- sw plugin:zip:dir
- sw plugin:zip:vcs
- sw plugin:create
- sw generate
Will install a plugin from one of the configured repos
Valid options/arguments are:
--useHttp: use HTTP for checkout if possible (e.g. for VPN, SSH seems to be slow here sometimes)
--small: Show 3 columns of plugins in a short form
--shopware-root Shopware root directory
--branch branch to checkout out
names1…nameN - names of plugins to install
This command will automatically create a VCS mapping for phpstorm if .idea/vcs.xml
can be found. You will need
to refresh you config with File->Sychronize (Control+Alt+Y)
Will checkout a plugin from VCS and zip it properly for the store
Valid options/arguments are:
--useHttp: use HTTP for checkout if possible (e.g. for VPN, SSH seems to be slow here sometimes)
--small: Show 3 columns of plugins in a short form
--branch branch to checkout out
names1…nameN - names of plugins to zip
If the plugins contains a file in its root named .sw-zip-blacklist
, the files/directories described there, will be excluded from zipping
Will zip the given plugin directory. DIRECTORY must point to the directory where the plugin bootstrap can be found.
Checkout the latest shopware version from vcs (for development)
Valid options/arguments are:
--branch: The branch to checkout
--databaseName: Name of the database to use
--installDir: Where to install shopware
--user: Github user name. If provided, the checkout will be done via HTTP
The options will be read interactively, if not provided The database credentials are configured in ~/.config/sw-cli-tools/config.yaml
--release=RELEASE Release version. Default: Latest. Possible are all shopware release versions like "4.2.0"
--install-dir[=INSTALL-DIR] Install directory
--unpack-only Only unpack the downloaded release
--skip-download Skip release downloading
--db-host=DB-HOST Database host [default: "localhost"]
--db-port=DB-PORT Database port [default: "3306"]
--db-socket=DB-SOCKET Database socket
--db-user=DB-USER Database user
--db-password=DB-PASSWORD Database password
--db-name=DB-NAME Database name
--shop-locale=SHOP-LOCALE Shop locale [default: "de_DE"]
--shop-host=SHOP-HOST Shop host [default: "localhost"]
--shop-path=SHOP-PATH Shop path [default: "/"]
--shop-name=SHOP-NAME Shop name [default: "Demo shop"]
--shop-email=SHOP-EMAIL Shop email address [default: ""]
--shop-currency=SHOP-CURRENCY Shop currency [default: "EUR"]
--admin-username=ADMIN-USERNAME Administrator username [default: "demo"]
--admin-password=ADMIN-PASSWORD Administrator password [default: "demo"]
--admin-email=ADMIN-EMAIL Administrator email address [default: "demo@demo.demo"]
--admin-locale=ADMIN-LOCALE Administrator locale [default: "de_DE"]
--admin-name=ADMIN-NAME Administrator name [default: "Demo user"]
Will create a Shopware plugin with all the boilerplate code. If the command will be executed from the shopware root folder the plugins will be placed in the plugin folder, otherwise it will be created in the same directory.
Valid options / arguments are:
--legacy: Create a legacy Plugin for Shopware versions lower than 5.2
--namespace[="..."]: Namespace of the plugin, default: Frontend
--haveBackend: Generate a backend Controller + a simple ExtJS module
--backendModel[="..."]: The name of the model for your backend application
--haveFilter: Generate Condition/Facet/CriteriaRequestHandler in order to add a new filter in the frontend
--haveFrontend | -f: Generate a frontend controller
--haveModels | -m: Generate a simple doctrine model
--haveCommands | -c: Generate a console command
--haveWidget | -w: Generate a backend widget
--haveApi | -a: Generate an API resource + REST controller
--licenseHeader[="/home/user/license.txt"]: Include a license header file at the beginning of any file name: Name of your plugin. Must at least have a dev prefix + plugin name, e.g. "SwagBundle", "PrefixPluginName"; "SwagBrowserLanguageDetection"
--haveElasticSearch | -e: Generate ElasticSearch blueprint classes and an example of a decorator for the product number search.
The options will be read interactively, if not provided. The database credentials are configured in ~/.config/sw-cli-tools/config.yaml
Will generate data which can be used to fill the shop for e.g. load tests.
!Warning! this command is destructive
Valid options / arguments are:
-a, --articles[=ARTICLES] Number of articles to create
--articleFilterGroups[=ARTICLEFILTERGROUPS] Number article filter option groups to create
--articleFilterOptions[=ARTICLEFILTEROPTIONS] Number article filter options to create
--articleFilterValues[=ARTICLEFILTERVALUES] Number article filter values to create per each filter option
-o, --orders[=ORDERS] Number of orders to create
-c, --categories[=CATEGORIES] Number of categories to create
--categoriesPerArticle[=CATEGORIESPERARTICLE] Number of categories to assign to each article
-e, --newsletter[=NEWSLETTER] Number of newsletter to create
-u, --customers[=CUSTOMERS] Number of customers to create
--vouchers[=VOUCHERS] Number of vouchers to create
--chunk-size[=CHUNK-SIZE] Chung size
-s, --seed[=SEED] Random seed
--installDir[=INSTALLDIR] Your Shopware installation path. If provided, data will be automatically injected into the configured database. [default: ""]
-n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
If executed from a Shopware installation, or if 'installDir' is provided, the data will be automatically written into your Shopware database. Otherwise, data will be exported to individual files in the '\output' folder You need to import the .sql files in the order in which they are generated (see the command output)
Requires 'local-infile=1' in your MySQL installation.
Extensions are created in the /home/USER/.config/sw-cli-tools/extensions
folder and consist of a vendor folder, the extension folder (with the extension's name) and a Bootstrap.php
inside the extension folder. Additionally you can provide an own config.yaml
inside the extension folder which will extend the default config.yaml
The namespace of your extension bootstrap should be VENDOR_FOLDER\EXTENSION_FOLDER\Bootstrap
The bootstrap is the main entry point of your extension. If it implements ContainerAwareExtension
, it will get the container builder
of the application injected via setContainer. This way the container can be extended by your extension.
Additionally the Bootstrap can implement ConsoleAwareExtension
. If this is the case, the method "getConsoleCommands" will be
called after creation - please return an array of console command instances here.
Finally the extension will call the getRepositories
method of extensions implementing RepositoryAwareInterface
As you Bootstrap.php is instantiated after the container, you can replace any service of the container
The SW cli tools make use of the XDG directory standard. Following directories are used:
~/.config/sw-cli-tools: Here the main configuration as well as the extensions are stored
~/.cache/sw-cli-tools: Here caches (like repo content) as well as release downloads are cached
~/.local/share/sw-cli-tools: Assets the demo data package are stored here
If you changed some of these directories via XDG
environment variables, those directories are used instead
The configuration of the script is done in ~/.config/sw-cli-tools/config.yaml
If the file does not exist on your system, it is created after the first usage of the script.
In order to use commands like plugin:zip:vcs
the tool needs to know where the source comes from.
For this repositories need to be defined in the repositories
section of the configuration file.
For now the following repository types are supported:
- GitHub
- Stash
- BitBucket
- SimpleList
- GitLab
This is how an example config could look like:
Services SW5:
cache: 86400
url: groups/92/projects?per_page=100&private_token=your-private-token
color: red
Plugins SW5:
cache: 86400
url: repositories?q=org:Shopware5+topic:shopware-plugin
color: blue
For building the release package (sw.phar
) box is used.
A new release is build automatically for every push on the master branch by Travis CI (See bin/
Coding standard for the project is PSR-2. Coding standard violations may be detected using php-cs-fixer:
./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix -v --level=psr2 ./src
./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix -v --level=psr2 ./tests
If you are having a slow internet connection and e.g. git checkouts or tasks related to the ProcessExecutor
with a timeout, you can increase the timeout by setting the environment variable SW_TIMEOUT
SW_TIMEOUT=500 sw install:vcs