Cranky is the database driver for CrankDB for python applications.
Setup CrankDB and get it started.
pip install cranky==0.1.0b2
(Please pass the beta version specifically.)
from cranky import Cranky
# setup a new connection
conn = Cranky(host="localhost", port="9876") # default values
# Cranky follows almost similar API methods as Crank CLI.
# You can set any type of JSON seriable value at any key.
conn.set(key, value)
# Get a key
# Returns a DataPacket object with `dataType` attribute and corresponding value field `jsonVal`, `stringVal`, etc.
# Find multiple JSON documents using Find
conn.find({key: value}) #Applies a search and returns every key having JSON obj with key=value.
# Returns a list of DataPackets with dataType and jsonVal attributes.
conn.find({}) # returns all JSON (dict) type key values.