An Android app that helps store images of their invoices and details fetched from Machine Learning Model in Database.
- The app allows user to take pictures of their images and sends it to the server in the backend.
- It runs the Tesseract OCR over the image and gives the output in the textfile.
- After getting the textfile, it extracts the necessary details such as Vendor Name, Date, Amount, Address, Invoice ID etc from the textfile and sends it back to the app.
- For extracting details, Bi-Direction Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model is used on the server.
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- The App also allows users to see past bills and stores their images in Firebase Database.
- User can also view the expenses in form of Piechart.
- For Displaying piechart, MPAndroidChart is used.
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- Firebase (Database)
- Tesseract OCR (OCR)
- Flask (Server)
- Camera2 API (Camera)
- MPAndroidChart (Piechart)
- Mukund Choudhary
- Shadrak Gurupnor