SDK provides easy tools for creating ELF's without special skills.
All you need to do is just write code :)
We have two independent build frameworks: Cmake or Makefile. You can choose what is more convenient for you.
Recommended OS: OSX, BSD or Linux.
* On Windows you can use: Windows Subsystem for Linux or Cygwin (not tested).
Required software:
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi make cmake
brew install arm-none-eabi-binutils make cmake
Also, you can use the official ARM toolchains: Arm GNU Toolchain
We expect file structure like this:
/path/to/projects/siemens-elfs <-- your dir with projects
├── sdk/ <--- this SDK at the top level
├── first-elf/ <-- your elfs
├── second-elf/
└── third-elf/
You can do something like this:
# Create folder for ELF projects
mkdir siemens-elfs
cd siemens-elfs
# Clone SDK
git clone
# Create dir for your elf
mkdir hello-world
// main.c
#include <swilib.h>
// This is not a classical `main()` as in Linux/Windows programs. This is only the initializer.
// At the exit of this function, ELF is still present in the memory and running.
// Params:
// exe - path to the this ELF, example: 0:\Misc\test.elf
// fname - path to the file which is opened by this ELF from explorer.
int main(char *exe, char *fname, void *p1) {
// Show popup
ShowMSG(0, (int) "Hello World!");
// Kill ELF (in the background)
return 0;
Minimal Makefile for building ELF.
# Required: the name of the ELF. Output file will be "hello-world_PLATFORM.elf"
PROJECT = hello-world
# Required: target platforms
# Required: your sources
SOURCES += main.c
# =====================================================
# Optional: Optimization level. For example, optimize for size.
OPT := -Os
# Optional: set custom C standart.
# CSTD := -std=c11
# Required: Specify the required libs for the ELF.
# Minimum required libs for any ELF: -lcrt -lcrt_helper -lgcc
LDLIBS += -lcrt -lcrt_helper -lgcc
# Optional: Custom preprocessor defines. For example, enable built-in libc functions from swilib.
# Remove this definition and add -lc to LDLIBS, if you want to use the external ""
# Optional: Custom C/C++/ASM flags
CPPFLAGS += -Wno-unused-variable
# =====================================================
# Required: Include SDK build framework
# SDK location is relative to the parent dir of this project
SDK_PATH ?= ../sdk
include $(SDK_PATH)/
You can build your first ELF by this command:
After that you will get three files:
- hello-world_SG.elf
- hello-world_NSG.elf
- hello-world_ELKA.elf
Minimal CMakeLists.txt for building ELF:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28.2)
# Required: Include SDK config
# Required: define your project
project(hello_world C)
# Required: Specify the required libs for the ELF.
# Minimum required libs for any ELF: crt crt_helper gcc
link_libraries(crt crt_helper gcc)
# Required: your sources
set(SOURCES main.c)
# =================================================================
# Required: add exectutable for ELKA
add_executable(hello_world_ELKA ${SOURCES})
# Required: set platform for this executable
target_sdk_setup(hello_world_ELKA ELKA)
# =================================================================
# =================================================================
# Required: add exectutable for NSG
add_executable(hello_world_NSG ${SOURCES})
# Required: set platform for this executable
target_sdk_setup(hello_world_NSG NSG)
# =================================================================
# =================================================================
# Required: add exectutable for SG
add_executable(hello_world_SG ${SOURCES})
# Required: set platform for this executable
target_sdk_setup(hello_world_SG SG)
# =================================================================
You can build your first ELF by this command:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
After that you will get three files:
- hello-world_SG.elf
- hello-world_NSG.elf
- hello-world_ELKA.elf
Since the SDK uses dynamic libraries, you need to add them to your phone. There are two ways:
- Create .zip with all core libs
cd sdk
- Unpack one of these resulting ZIP's to
├── <-- this is required only for some old ELF's
├── <-- for NewSGOLD phones: E71, EL71
├── <-- for NewSGOLD phones: C81, S75, SL75, S68
├── <-- for SGOLD phones: CX75 and others old SIEMENS
Manual copy required libs from the sdk/lib
to 0:\Zbin\lib
or 4:\Zbin\lib
Structure and logic:
├── legacy/ <-- dir with legacy libs for some old ELF's
├── ELKA/ <-- dir with libs for NewSGOLD phones: E71, EL71
├── NSG/ <-- dir with libs for NewSGOLD phones: C81, S75, SL75, S68
├── SG/ <-- dir with libs for SGOLD phones: CX75 and other old SIEMENS
├── <-- Platform-neutral libs for any phone
└── ...
Send the right file to your phone and run your first Siemens ELF!
- Basic examples with SDK:
- Real ELF's using this SDK:
- Complex example with own libs and cmake:
- Old GCC ELF's archive: - useful for code examples
- Old IAR ELF's archive: - useful for code examples