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gitsign verify

Verify a commit


Verify a commit.

verify verifies a commit against a set of certificate claims. This should generally be used over git verify-commit, since verify will check the identity included in the signature's certificate.

If no revision is specified, HEAD is used.

gitsign verify [commit] [flags]


      --certificate-github-workflow-name string         contains the workflow claim from the GitHub OIDC Identity token that contains the name of the executed workflow.
      --certificate-github-workflow-ref string          contains the ref claim from the GitHub OIDC Identity token that contains the git ref that the workflow run was based upon.
      --certificate-github-workflow-repository string   contains the repository claim from the GitHub OIDC Identity token that contains the repository that the workflow run was based upon
      --certificate-github-workflow-sha string          contains the sha claim from the GitHub OIDC Identity token that contains the commit SHA that the workflow run was based upon.
      --certificate-github-workflow-trigger string      contains the event_name claim from the GitHub OIDC Identity token that contains the name of the event that triggered the workflow run
      --certificate-identity string                     The identity expected in a valid Fulcio certificate. Valid values include email address, DNS names, IP addresses, and URIs. Either --certificate-identity or --certificate-identity-regexp must be set for keyless flows.
      --certificate-identity-regexp string              A regular expression alternative to --certificate-identity. Accepts the Go regular expression syntax described at Either --certificate-identity or --certificate-identity-regexp must be set for keyless flows.
      --certificate-oidc-issuer string                  The OIDC issuer expected in a valid Fulcio certificate, e.g. or Either --certificate-oidc-issuer or --certificate-oidc-issuer-regexp must be set for keyless flows.
      --certificate-oidc-issuer-regexp string           A regular expression alternative to --certificate-oidc-issuer. Accepts the Go regular expression syntax described at Either --certificate-oidc-issuer or --certificate-oidc-issuer-regexp must be set for keyless flows.
  -h, --help                                            help for verify
      --insecure-ignore-sct                             when set, verification will not check that a certificate contains an embedded SCT, a proof of inclusion in a certificate transparency log
      --sct string                                      path to a detached Signed Certificate Timestamp, formatted as a RFC6962 AddChainResponse struct. If a certificate contains an SCT, verification will check both the detached and embedded SCTs.


  • gitsign - Keyless Git signing with Sigstore!