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gtryus edited this page Mar 4, 2014 · 20 revisions

Explain Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) properties recognized by Pathway

Pathway Style Sheet Properties

The Pathway project prepares FieldWorks XHTML export (and eventually LIFT and OXES formatted data) for printing using Libre Office, Open Office or Prince (and eventually other rendering engines). Libre Office (or Open Office) works very much like the popular Microsoft Office® 2000/2003 program but supports rendering complex fonts using Graphite Technology and fonts. The style sheet for the conversion of data for printing is based on the properties of the Cascading Style Sheet 2.1 standard. The supported properties are given in the table below. (Property names in parenthesis are not implemented.) FieldWorks XHTML export will create a *.CSS file with these properties already included for the default formatting of the lexical data. The properties given below can be used to change the rendering of any style tag in the exported file. At the end of this table is a table of custom properties which have been added to help support the conversion and formatting of lexical and Scripture data.

Note: When a property is not available, none of the parameters are available either. When a property is available, if some of the parameters are not implemented, those parameters are placed within parenthesis. Also note, to enable Graphite in Libre Office, Open Office, make sure to use version 3.2 or later and use the Tools: Options: Language Settings: Language dialogue to enable asian, complex languages or both. Close the options dialogue and when you open it again, the Writer tab will allow you to choose default fonts for complex or asian languages.

Custom Properties

Name Values Initial value Applies to
(Default: all)
Inherited? Percentages
(Default: N/A)
Media groups
'-ps-referenceformat-string' Genesis 1:1-15 | Genesis 1:1 Genesis 1:15 | Genesis 1:1 1:15 | Genesis 1, 2 | Genesis 1 Genesis 1:1 Genesis 1:15 Scripture reference format (bookname, chapter number and verse number) (for Scripture) no no none
'-ps-fixed-line-height' none Use line-height value to avoid the double spacing when the fonts are not supportive (For example CharisSIL) (for Scripture) no no none
'prince-hyphenate-patterns' none Insert hyphenation symbol in pdf file based on language pattern (for Dictionary) no no none
'-ps-!BasicsVerticalRuleinGutter' yes/ no no Insert vertical rule (for Scripture) no no none
'-ps-positionchapternumbers-string' Margin | Inline | Drop Capital Margin Position of the chapter number (for Scripture) no no none
'-ps-chapterstring-string' none Custom chapter name (for Scripture) no no none
'-ps-chapterpositionstring-string' none Custom chapter number position (for Scripture) no no none
'-ps-!IncludeVersenumber-string' yes/ no no Is include verse number (for Scripture) no no none
'-ps-!TableHeadersFontStyle-string' normal / italic normal Table header's font style (for Scripture) no no none
'-ps-paper-size ' A4 / Letter A4 Paper size no no none
'-ps-heading-string ' none Letter heading (for Dictionary) no no none
'-ps-!HeadingsHomonymNumber' yes/ no no Running head number (for Dictionary) no no none
'-ps-!HeadingsGuideWords' yes/ no no Running head guide word (for Dictionary) no no none
'-ps-!NonConsecutiveReferenceSeparator-string' none Number separator(for Scripture) no no none
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