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3. Frequently Asked Questions

Simon Bingham edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 9 revisions

How do I style the public facing site?

The default public facing site is styled using Twitter Bootstrap for which [documentation is available] (

Alternatively you can create your own template. [Documentation for using FW/1 layouts and views can be found here] ( You can put your image, stylesheet and JavaScript files in the assets directory.

What do I do if my datasource and Xindi project directory have different names?

By default Xindi will assume your datasource and project directory have the same name. For example, if you installed Xindi to [http://localhost/foobar/] (http://localhost/foobar/) Xindi will assume your datasource is named "foobar". To override this open the Application.cfc file and find the line that reads:

this.datasource = ListLast( this.applicationroot, "\/" );

Change this to:

this.datasource = "your-datasource-name";

Where's the enquiry form?

By default the enquiry form doesn't appear in the navigation, but can be accessed at [http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/enquiry] (http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/enquiry). To make the enquiry form part of the navigation you need to create a routing from a content managed page to the enquiry form as follows:

  1. In the content management system add a page that will become the contact page.
  2. Browse to the page in the public site and make a note of the last part of the url. For example, if the page url is [http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/contact] (http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/contact) we'll need the "contact" bit of the url.
  3. Open the Application.cfc file and find the commented out bit of code that reads ,routes = [ { ""="", hint="" } ]. Remove the "//" from the start of the line to uncomment the code.
  4. In the first set of empty quotation marks enter the last part of your page url (e.g. "contact") and in the second set of empty quotation marks enter "enquiry".
  5. That's it! Now when you browse to your page it will redirect to the enquiry form. If it doesn't you may need to reload your application by requesting [http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm?reload=true] (http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm?reload=true).

[More information about FW/1 URL Routes can be found here.] (

Where's the news feature?

By default the news feature doesn't appear in the navigation, but can be accessed at [http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/news] (http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/news). To make the news feature part of the navigation you need to create a routing from a content managed page to the news feature as follows:

  1. In the content management system add a page that will become the news page.
  2. Browse to the page in the public site and make a note of the last part of the url. For example, if the page url is [http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/latestnews] (http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm/latestnews) we'll need the "latestnews" bit of the url.
  3. Open the Application.cfc file and find the commented out bit of code that reads ,routes = [ { ""="", hint="" } ]. Remove the "//" from the start of the line to uncomment the code.
  4. In the first set of empty quotation marks enter the last part of your page url (e.g. "latestnews") and in the second set of empty quotation marks enter "news".
  5. That's it! Now when you browse to your page it will redirect to the news feature. If it doesn't you may need to reload your application by requesting [http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm?reload=true] (http://localhost/xindi/index.cfm?reload=true).

[More information about FW/1 URL Routes can be found here.] (

Why do some directory names begin with an underscore?

The underscore indicates that the directory should not be transferred to the production environment.

Why doesn't the navigation instantly update when I add or remove pages?

To improve performance the query that populates the navigation is cached for 1 minute.

Help & Support

If you have a question that is not answered here please [visit our Google Group] (!forum/getxindi) for help and advice.