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release #49

Workflow file for this run

# WIP:
# Run when a release tag is pushed,
# creating the new release.
# Expects that the binaries* workflows have been completed first.
name: release
- '1*'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Get artifact from the latest successful binaries-windows-x64 run
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@09f2f74827fd3a8607589e5ad7f9398816f540fe
# v3.1.4, unverified so needs to be whitelisted in repo settings
# Optional, GitHub token, a Personal Access Token with `public_repo` scope if needed
# Required, if the artifact is from a different repo
# Required, if the repo is private a Personal Access Token with `repo` scope is needed or GitHub token in a job where the permissions `action` scope set to `read`
# github_token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
# Optional, workflow file name or ID
# If not specified, will be inferred from run_id (if run_id is specified), or will be the current workflow
workflow: binaries-windows-x64.yml
# Optional, will use specified workflow run
# use ${{ }} when your action runs in a workflow_run event
# and wants to download from the triggering workflow run
# run_id: 1122334455
# If no workflow is set and workflow_search set to true, then the most recent workflow matching
# all other criteria will be looked up instead of using the current workflow
workflow_search: false
# Optional, the status or conclusion of a completed workflow to search for
# Can be one of a workflow conclusion:
# "failure", "success", "neutral", "cancelled", "skipped", "timed_out", "action_required"
# Or a workflow status:
# "completed", "in_progress", "queued"
# Use the empty string ("") to ignore status or conclusion in the search
workflow_conclusion: success
# Optional, will get head commit SHA
# pr: ${{github.event.pull_request.number}}
# Optional, no need to specify if PR is
# commit: ${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}}
# Optional, will use the specified branch. Defaults to all branches
# branch: binaries-linux-x64
# Optional, defaults to all types
# event: push
# Optional, run number from the workflow
# run_number: 34
# Optional, uploaded artifact name,
# will download all artifacts if not specified
# and extract them into respective subdirectories
# is treated as a regular expression if input name_is_regexp is true
# will download only those artifacts with a name that matches this regular expression
# name: artifact_name
# Optional, name is treated as a regular expression if set true
# name_is_regexp: true
# Optional, a directory where to extract artifact(s), defaults to the current directory
path: artifacts
# Optional, defaults to current repo
# repo: ${{ github.repository }}
# Optional, check the workflow run to whether it has an artifact
# then will get the last available artifact from the previous workflow
# default false, just try to download from the last one
# check_artifacts: false
# Optional, search for the last workflow run whose stored an artifact named as in `name` input
# default false
# search_artifacts: false
# Optional, choose to skip unpacking the downloaded artifact(s)
# default false
# windows artifact is just zipped, no need to repack
skip_unpack: true
# Optional, choose how to exit the action if no artifact is found
# can be one of:
# "fail", "warn", "ignore"
# default fail
# if_no_artifact_found: fail
# Optional, allow forks when searching for artifacts
# default true
allow_forks: false
- name: Get artifact from the latest successful binaries-linux-x64 run
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@09f2f74827fd3a8607589e5ad7f9398816f540fe
workflow: binaries-linux-x64.yml
allow_forks: false
path: artifacts
- name: Get artifact from the latest successful binaries-mac-x64 run
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@09f2f74827fd3a8607589e5ad7f9398816f540fe
workflow: binaries-mac-x64.yml
allow_forks: false
path: artifacts
- name: Get artifact from the latest successful binaries-mac-arm64 run
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@09f2f74827fd3a8607589e5ad7f9398816f540fe
workflow: binaries-mac-arm64.yml
allow_forks: false
path: artifacts
- name: Inspect artifacts
shell: bash
run: |
ls -lRFh artifacts
# All artifacts are zip files because upload-artifact always zips.
# Here we can replace zip with more unix-standard gz.
- name: Repack unix artifacts with gz
shell: bash
run: |
time gzip -9 artifacts/hledger-linux-x64/hledger-linux-x64.tar
time gzip artifacts/hledger-mac-x64/hledger-mac-x64.tar
time gzip artifacts/hledger-mac-arm64/hledger-mac-arm64.tar
- name: Inspect artifacts
shell: bash
run: |
ls -lRFh artifacts
# - name: Make tarball
# shell: bash
# run: |
# outdir="target/${{ }}/release"
# staging="jj-${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}-${{ }}"
# mkdir "$staging"
# cp {,LICENSE} "$staging/"
# if [ "${{ matrix.os }}" = "windows-2022" ]; then
# cp "$outdir/jj.exe" "$staging/"
# cd "$staging"
# 7z a "../$" .
# echo "ASSET=$" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# else
# cp "$outdir/jj" "$staging/"
# tar czf "$staging.tar.gz" -C "$staging" .
# echo "ASSET=$staging.tar.gz" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# fi
- name: Create release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@69320dbe05506a9a39fc8ae11030b214ec2d1f87 # 2.0.5
# permissions:
# contents: write
draft: true
body_path: ${{ github.workspace }}/doc/
fail_on_unmatched_files: true
files: |
# snippets
# body: |
# ${{ fromJSON(steps.<step-id>.outputs.assets)[0].browser_download_url }}
# if you intend to run workflows on the release event (on: { release: { types: [published] } }),
# you need to use a personal access token for this action, as the default secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN does not trigger another workflow.
# We have two workflows, one for building and one for releasing built artifacts upon a tag release.
# They're both summoned from one push event, and the release job waits for the other job:
# - name: version
# run: echo "::set-output name=version::$(./bin/azblogfilter --version)"
# id: version
# - name: release
# uses: actions/create-release@v1
# id: create_release
# with:
# draft: false
# prerelease: false
# release_name: ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
# tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
# body_path:
# env:
# GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}